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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Ladies Who Lift...

1 lurker | 97 watchers
Jun 2023
11:12am, 13 Jun 2023
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I've been to the gym this morning for the first time in 5 weeks due to holidays and stuff. I could tell I haven't been for a while. My PT has given me a new upper body workout to do whilst I'm waiting for my hip issue to resolve. It didn't look much at all on paper...
By the time I'd done the 6 exercises, my arms were mush, to the point that I struggled to open the door 🤣
I have lost a bit of strength of course, but I think not being able to complete bicep curls with 8kg dumbbells - last time I was lifting 9kg - was due to the previous exercises having killed my arms to death.
Jun 2023
11:36am, 13 Jun 2023
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Nice one, GM. Doesn’t sound like you’ve lost too much, and I reckon you’re going to have wicked DOMS in a day or two :-)
Jun 2023
1:00pm, 13 Jun 2023
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I'm not planning in anything that involves lifting tomorrow or Thursday - no window cleaning, pegging out washing, carrying the hoover upstairs ...
Jun 2023
1:15pm, 13 Jun 2023
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I've been resting from anything weights-related while a flare-up of my lower back issues calmed down. Now thinking about an upper body DB program. Having looked at a few options I have a list of potential exercises, including:

Three point row
DB bench press (TBH that's something I'd use the BB for I think)
Bicep curl to OH press
DB chest fly (on bench)
Skull crusher
Triceps extension
Lateral raise, or alternating lateral and forward raise

Seven moves - three sets of 8-10 reps of each to near failure - how would you structure that? Keep related moves together (e.g. skull crusher & triceps extension, fly & bench press) and do three sets of of each before moving on, or work through the whole list then start again? And is the list too long?

Any advice welcome :-)
Jun 2023
1:26pm, 13 Jun 2023
25,414 posts
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My coach has paired my exercises with an opposite one:

3 x 10 bentover row then 3 x 10 push ups

3 x 10 standing shoulder press then 3 x 10 single arm dumbbell row

3 x 10 curls then 3 x 10 bench dips
Jun 2023
1:35pm, 13 Jun 2023
11,644 posts
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Thanks GM, that's v. useful to know.
Jun 2023
1:57pm, 13 Jun 2023
21,443 posts
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Yeah Gem would do something similar - a pull with a push for instance.
Jun 2023
10:42pm, 21 Jun 2023
11,379 posts
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There’s a PT at my gym who I’ve historically never booked a session with, George. It’s become a standing joke between us, and the other PTs, and I know he is a little intimidated by me.

My diary today left me limited options for the gym unless I booked in with George. In fairness I’ve been talking about booking in with George with the gym manager for a while, and so I did it.

I teased him a bit about booking with him to freak him out a bit :-) and I gently teased him during the session. But it was actually a good session, and he has grown into a decent PT. I think had I booked in with him in his early days of PTing we would not have got along, but I’d now happily book in with him again, which also opens other time options during the week for me, and so increases my chances of being able to get there.

And I was dripping with sweat after the session, so it was also a toughie!
Jul 2023
8:57pm, 31 Jul 2023
64,716 posts
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Oh, dear :-O I suspected that my strength had deteriorated even more than my running this year, and this afternoon I dragged out the dumbbells and attempted a little session. It's even worse than I thought, but I shouldn't be surprised and I know what I need to do.
Jul 2023
9:08pm, 31 Jul 2023
21,622 posts
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Feebleness something of an exaggeration, missie! You'll be back where you were (ie pretty bloody strong) in just a couple of sessions, what's the betting?

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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