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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Ladies Who Lift...

97 watchers
Jun 2018
10:35am, 16 Jun 2018
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I hate overhead squat so don't do it with any weight. I'm ok with quick movements (drop snatch, snatch balance), although I'm pretty sure it'll need some work when I get back in the gym. Very comfortable with the narrower position of the jerk (Vs snatch grip) and as it mainly uses legs to get up I pretty decent at it. Rubbish at strict press though.
Jun 2018
10:59am, 16 Jun 2018
191 posts
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I struggle with most of the power and overhead Olympic lifts and stay well away from overhead squats as they give me the fear! I’ve also never managed Turkish get ups! Respect to you guys doing these moves.
Jun 2018
11:10am, 16 Jun 2018
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early bird
Well went to crossfit this morning and all I can say is I'm so pleased I done all that form practice. We had 45 minutes of hang clean, below knee clean, push press and split jerk practice ( just 15kg bar no weights) Because I of the last two days I was able to 'forget' about the bits I had worked on and pick up a few pointers in other areas. Small workout of wall balls and burpees to finish feeling awesome right now.

Feel happier with split jerk. Explanation of 'dropping under the bar not lifting it' really helped. Told my feet needed to be further apart (front to back further) Drills of going from front rack, onto toes and shrugging bar to eye level before 'dropping under' for about ten minutes.

SPR not done snatch for ages it's not my favourite move either.

I_W not done any bench lifts yet I think I'd be terrified of dropping the weight on myself well done! Never used the trap bar either.

Never attempted Turkish get ups either c2k
Jun 2018
11:10am, 16 Jun 2018
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early bird
Sorry CK2
Jun 2018
6:58am, 22 Jun 2018
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early bird
First try at bench press last night! I managed to not drop the weight on myself.... just! I have no upper body strength so found it tough only managed 25 kg in sets of 5. It was part of the WOD so for 20 minutes it was 5 bench press, 10 pull ups (trx rows for me) 15 cals on rower.

Before that we were front squatting. I again got up to 40 kg. He asked for paused squats and it wasn't until I was doing them I realised I actually do them like that quite a bit.

Really tough after a hard day yesterday as well. I was rolling around the bed this morning making some strange noises. Hubby said I don't have to ask how you're feeling then lol
Jun 2018
9:25pm, 22 Jun 2018
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Bench is not my favourite lift, EB! Had to be rescued trying 37kg paused reps on Wed - just couldn't manage the 4th rep!

I found front squats quite hard when I did them in my hypertrophy phase - not helped by the fact it was 8 reps in a set, after being used to only doing 5 reps of anything!

Got 95kg for 4 reps of deadlift with PT on Wed, so almost at my previous PB of 100kg for 3 reps. He's getting very excited for his powerlifting competition, and seems to think I'm in the running for doing well (we'll see!). Didn't gym tonight, so tomorrow morning will be paused squats, unpaused bench press and dead-stop rows.
Jun 2018
7:21pm, 24 Jun 2018
12,324 posts
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early bird
Sounds like you're doing great I_W πŸ˜€ Good luck with the competition 🀞
Jul 2018
11:27am, 1 Jul 2018
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early bird
I had a little go on assault air bike on Wednesday at the box. I can confirm it is pure evil! So evil I've looked into how much they cost to buy/rent. The box only has one and with it being new its frequently 'in use'
My legs were like cooked spaghetti when I got off, I need to be better at it. We had to do our warm up between that and the rower. After that teaching session on thrusters before heading into the workout of
15 thrusters
12 burpees x6 for time.

Friday saw us warm up on the rower for a bit (not a class but workout on the board. I was really surprised at how busy it was at 6.45 am) Onto back squats practicing form at first then upping weight yo heavy sets of 3. Looking through my 'notes' I've never done 'heavy back squats' so it was new territory. I started light and gently went up in increments of 2.5/5kg. I topped out comfortably at 50kg for sets of 3. I feel I could of gone heavier but the bar felt very heavy on my traps and is still sore. I think if I strengthen them or use a bar with a bit more flex in it I could definitely go heavier. Legs felt strong and I think I had at least another 2.5/5kg in them.
We then then stripped bars down to 60% of our weight and then 6 rounds of

10 back squats
10 cal row (supposed to be air bike but in use)

Didn't have anytime left for the EMOM. I was quite pleased we didn't as it took 6 1/2 hours to travel to Cornwall where we are currently residing in a tent for then next 2 weeks. Doms would not be helpful πŸ˜‚
Jul 2018
3:55pm, 10 Jul 2018
1,364 posts
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Well done, EB - it can take a bit of practice getting used to having the barbell on your back/where is most comfortable. Now I've been low bar back squatting for a while, I find my right shoulder blade gets a rubbed bit on it after heavy reps.

Entering unknown territory now - 4 weeks out from comp, reached my previous 3 rep max in squat & deadlift week before last (bench is still a bit iffy). PT has suggested I try one heavier rep before my heaviest set, to get used to doing my best 1 rep first.

Today was squat day - managed 1 rep at 85kg, then down to 82.5kg for 3 reps, then another 3 sets of 3 at 75kg. Need to start filming myself, as not convinced the last reps are hitting full depth required (OH was pretty sure my 85kg was at depth though).

Overhead press is still hard - still only got 4 reps at 27.5kg today, then 3 more sets at 25kg. Deadlifts and paused bench with PT tomorrow!
Jul 2018
5:29pm, 10 Jul 2018
201 posts
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So much admiration for you guys doing Olympic lifts and entering competitions. It’s nice to be back enjoying the lifting with a new programme (New Rules of Weighlifting).

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Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

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