May 2018
5:54pm, 30 May 2018
12,308 posts
early bird
Jambomo that's great progress it took me ages to progress with correct technique before they let me have weights. Keep up the good work 🙂
May 2018
7:49pm, 30 May 2018
438 posts
Do you record sessions on here or somewhere else?
Have done three days of 1x10 squats with the 16 kg kettle bell. Not really brave enough to do anything else on my own, at least without checking youtube for technique, any recommendations?
May 2018
8:49pm, 30 May 2018
33,611 posts
Gg, are there any kettle bell classes you could go to in your area? It may be worth doing a few classes to get the techniques and different exercises with them.
May 2018
9:29pm, 30 May 2018
439 posts
Probably, I guess that would be better than youtube.
May 2018
7:51am, 31 May 2018
6,645 posts
Thanks eb. I seem to have been lucky and picked up the technique quite well as the trainer here is also quite strict about technique before adding in weights.
Jun 2018
10:16am, 3 Jun 2018
12,309 posts
early bird
Front squat pb yesterday 40kg so happy there's some improvement there. It's definitely not a max weight as I did 3x2 sets and had more left but it was a technique session to begin with on 25kg then starting to add more weight which lasted about 30 minutes (working in pairs though)
Workout out was double kettlebell swings x14 wallballs x12 burpees x10 in pairs. We stayed in pairs and split the swings and wallballs but had to synchronisated burpees. The idea was 8 rounds but I hot very confused when a guy shouted time when he finished so I thought we were finished. I lost count of the rounds but my partner said we done 6.
There was an optional workout if you wanted to stay so I did (CB. and I were the only ones. It was 9 knees to elbows, 7 Dips and 5 box jumps EMOM in 8 minutes. My grip strength is terrible so didn't blast it out I took it steady. This was my first attempt at knees to elbows was quite pleased for a first attempt and didn't have to get corrected.
When I got home the pull up was whispering to me everytime I walked past. I had a short play with 3 x eccentric and 3 x assisted pull ups.
My hands, shoulders and abs feel trashed today though! So I went out for a run. One thing about your upper body being sore is it really makes you concentrate on running in good form. All the advice I had from elbee came rushing back. I couldn't work out why I was so out of breath until CB. asked me where the pace was coming from 😂
Now sat in the garden with water and fruit and yogurt looking forward to the rest of today.
Jun 2018
10:30am, 3 Jun 2018
13,353 posts
That all sounds FANTASTIC, eb! Not just your prowess and progress - but your positivity and pleasure too... all the Ps!
I remember someof the first posts you made on this thread... what a long way you've come in a relatively short time. You are a shining example of the power of resistance training and Heavy Weights!
Jun 2018
10:39am, 3 Jun 2018
12,311 posts
early bird
Thankyou Sharkie I guess I need to go back and read some of those posts! I love lifting and I'm so pleased I started. I love this thread too everyone is inspiring and supportive 😀
Jun 2018
12:02pm, 3 Jun 2018
33,692 posts
What a lovely post eb, awesome work, and running today too. Well done!
Jun 2018
9:30pm, 3 Jun 2018
1,328 posts
So good to read all of this
I still feel like low bar squat is a bit weird, but managed 60kg for paused squats on Friday, and will hopefully try 70kg for unpaused low bar squats on Tuesday. PT has been very impressed at his Bootcamps past 2 Saturdays when I've managed the full pyramid of KB clean & press (16kg, 12 kg, 8kg, then burpee/sprint up the hill, then 8kg, 12kg, 16kg) especially when I've beaten my male counterpart in all bar one set