May 2018
12:51pm, 25 May 2018
12,305 posts
early bird
Well done Brig.
I_W enjoy tonight first session back is always a killer but so enjoyable too I'm sure you'll come out feeling pumped.
I'm the opposite Vrap I'd rather drop the running for the weights maybe we could do each others share 😉
100kg deadlift this morning 😀 looked at pb board and I'm still ranked bottom though 😂
I played with clean and jerk and front squats for a bit too. I didn't do the met con today as Mondays and Wednesdays have left me with a niggly shoulder again so being sensible.
Wednesday's met con after the weights bit was the Helen workout 400 m run, 21 kettle bells, 12 pull ups x3 There was a time cap but because I was quite close to it he made me finish! Found getting enough oxygen was hard though kept going lightheaded and room spinny on weights bits after the run (always hard after doing 30 minutes of weights first)
No more weights now until Tuesday very busy action packed BH weekend ahead now lots to look forward to.
May 2018
8:48pm, 25 May 2018
8,999 posts
Boom 100kg deadlift
May 2018
9:06pm, 25 May 2018
33,497 posts
I managed 25kg this week - 3 sets of 12.
May 2018
9:16pm, 25 May 2018
431 posts
Did a few bits in the gym in the hotel this week, just a few reps with 2kg dumbells. The new pilates class uses small weights, so I'm going to stick with that for a few weeks and see if I catch the bug enough to start lifting heavier.
Our new house has fallen through and with it my plans for a gym in the garage, dammit.
May 2018
10:05pm, 25 May 2018
33,500 posts
Have a gym indoors, it's much warmer in the winter and you don't have to go out in the cold and wet to get there.
May 2018
5:22am, 26 May 2018
12,306 posts
early bird
I no longer have a two bedroom house I have a one bedroom house with a gym
May 2018
7:05am, 26 May 2018
367 posts
My garage seems to now be littered with plates and bars 😃
May 2018
9:39am, 26 May 2018
1,317 posts
Survived first session back - dead stop rows up to 35kg for last couple of sets, then last few sets of paused squats at 55kg. Did one set of bench press at 37kg, then down to 36kg for other 3 sets - used wrist straps, so wrist doesn't feel as bad today. All finished off with abs work on TRX!
Everything feels ok, but tired, so will head to PT's bootcamp this morning.
May 2018
4:12pm, 30 May 2018
12,307 posts
early bird
Excellent work I_W 😀
May 2018
5:46pm, 30 May 2018
6,643 posts
Started doing CrossFit at the start of May and could only lift the empty bar. Starting to see some progress, did a push press with 25kg (so 2 x 5kg weights) and dead lift with 25kg as well. Pleased i am seeing some progress!