Hey Fetchies how are you?

36 watchers
Mar 2020
9:56am, 20 Mar 2020
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Elsie, I totally agree with Rosehip

That sounds great Scribbs. I've decided to run and yoga on alternating days. It's yoga day today 🙏
Mar 2020
9:57am, 20 Mar 2020
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How old is he Elsie?
Mar 2020
10:00am, 20 Mar 2020
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Are you tied into working a "normal day" - or can you spread yourself out a bit?
Mar 2020
10:03am, 20 Mar 2020
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Elsie Too
He's 9. Work have said that I can do my hours differently and hubby will be here some of the time as well. So I can't work earlier / later and spend time with him in the day maybe. I'm sure it'll all work itself out and we'll find a way that works but I'm not coping well with looking ahead at the moment.

I need to go do that FACE thing again from the side bar and pull myself together and get some work done. Thanks for the support guys x
Mar 2020
10:13am, 20 Mar 2020
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The Scribbler
Hi Elsie, my company have just put a load of resources on our intranet site to help parents including this schedule which is apparently doing the rounds on social media

I'm sure there will be other Fetchies in a similar situation, so I encourage you all to get together for support.

Nice to see you here Old Croc :-)
Mar 2020
10:16am, 20 Mar 2020
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Elsie Too
Thanks Scribbler
Mar 2020
10:17am, 20 Mar 2020
15,362 posts
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I like that Scribbler :)

Wish I could get my 16yr old to see that routine and structure and doing something other than sit in front of a screen would be good for him (says she who has been screen-glued and sofa bound for much of the morning so far ;) )
Mar 2020
10:24am, 20 Mar 2020
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Unsettled would describe how I am. OH's work looking more precarious today than previously. Wondering if I should return birthday presents bought in readiness for my son turning 17 next week and husband turning a number bigger than that a few days later. Don't know just how much hatch-battening down I should be doing. Other than that we're all well, youngest is pretty much back to normal after his bug at the beginning of the week. Oldest is not finding the motivation to finish his final year project and dissertation. Youngest was delivered a pack for home-lessons for today, not sure if he's actively following that yet. Interesting times, eh?
Mar 2020
10:32am, 20 Mar 2020
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Eynsham Red
I think that I’ll adopt that for myself Scribbler 😀
Mar 2020
10:45am, 20 Mar 2020
37,819 posts
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The government have said that schools will provide care for children of key workers, not education, and I think that's really important in how you approach the prospect of stuff at home. I am NOT going to be my children's academic teacher, most of the stuff they will do will be stuff they already know and consolidate the learning they have done. I am a TA and have led lessons, but I am also my children's parent and I won't become their teacher because that just will lead to resentment or stress. I want the time to be as relaxed as possible, something that will not be looked back on as a time where it wasn't nice, it's bad enough that they have to be off, home and school are different places.

About This Thread

Maintained by TheScribbler
With so much going on at the moment that we can't control, and that might make us feel anxious, this thread is a place to let us know how you’re doing.

How to respond effectively to the Corona crisis by Dr Russ Harris drive.google.com thanks to PenW for the link

Support thread for parents with children off school here:
Thanks Purps

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