Jul 2007
11:32am, 29 Jul 2007
2,109 posts
The article is back. I looked yesterday and there was nothing there. I will scuttle off and read and then hopefully go out for a run this evening when Mrs Mud wakes from her slumbers and check numbers.
Jul 2007
11:33am, 29 Jul 2007
1,100 posts
Keefy Beefy
Ok - have found the article.
Jul 2007
11:34am, 29 Jul 2007
2,110 posts
EB it tiz the upward bits that I am struggling on at the minute the downward stuff is not a problem I catch people then but lose them on the up.
Jul 2007
11:41am, 29 Jul 2007
545 posts
eL Bee!
Then yes - I think some HR work - to build some Base Endurance - along with some specific hill sessions as your harder sessions will be good! The climbing part need the base fitness and the leg strength!
Jul 2007
11:45am, 29 Jul 2007
9,454 posts
Sorry mud, my fault - a slip of the mouse. The article is intact.
Jul 2007
12:15pm, 29 Jul 2007
2,111 posts
Cheers Ian.
Jul 2007
12:41pm, 29 Jul 2007
1,197 posts
mud, before I got a HRM I used to do my LSR at around 9.20/mile. this didnt feel hard but wouldnt describe it as easy either. When I got a HRM I read somewhere (not parker) about LSR being 70-78% so this made me slow down to just under 10/mile, this felt really slow and easy and usually equated to 76-78% WHR.
Then I read parker and now do my LSRs between 70-75%, they tend to be around 72 % and the pace is nearer 10.30/mile. this feels easy but not as easy as when I first did that pace. What I am trying to say is that something may feel easy and you may feel that it is easy enough (like my LSRs of 77%) but Parker says you can do even easier, which initially is hard to slow yourself to do but now it feels fairly normal
Jul 2007
12:55pm, 29 Jul 2007
2,112 posts
Thanks Hellen, hopefully I will see how easy it feels this evening when Mr Mud is watching the Tour highlights.
Jul 2007
1:45pm, 29 Jul 2007
2,113 posts
OK BrianMac's site gives me for my age and resting heart rate of 58bpm
Max Heart Rate 184bpm
Working Heart Rate 126 bpm
Lower Training Zone 70% which is a Heart Rate of 146 bpm
Upper Training Zone 80% which is a Heart Rate of 159 bpm
So I will put these in to the HRM and see what happens tonight.
Jul 2007
6:18pm, 29 Jul 2007
653 posts
I did my first 10k today having done the majority of of my training sub 70%WHR. A 'Great' run so started running before the start and by the time I crossed it I was at 150(73%). The average overall was 85%..bang on what parker says..wasn't planning it just went with what I felt I could cope with and picked the pace up towards the end when I felt I could.
I really couldn't care what the science can prove at the moment or even if the HR can give me good feedback. I ran a 10k race and had a great time and can't wait for the next one.
Oh and this red wine is fantastic...
PS Swansea Bay 5k 7th August..cert PB