Jul 2007
6:19pm, 29 Jul 2007
2,118 posts
Congratulations Mykey
Jul 2007
6:25pm, 29 Jul 2007
9,460 posts
Well done Mykey.
Jul 2007
6:37pm, 29 Jul 2007
8,334 posts
CBA to paraphrase my last post on the Loch Ness thread, but as it's vaguely HR related I thought I'd repost here:
Saturday I ran by myself, so my 70% pace was quite good. I actually enjoy HR training on hills - it's good to be able to push yourself on the downy bits, and also good discipline for the (often substantial) uppy bits. Makes you become more aware of what effort you are actually putting in to get up the damn thing. One hill I was 11:30 min miling for half a mile, yoiks.
So anyway, was thinking on that run that it would be a good test to go for our LSR in them there hills, Benni agreed, so we did. Blimey. Was tough in places, and it's a different kind of fatigue I think, but all in all was a good run. After a while the downy bits don't really compensate for the uppy bits though!
I also need to learn how to run downhill faster, I really honestly am crap at it.
Scores on the doors for the 8 miler were 70%, 9:34 pace. For the 17 - 64%, 10:10 pace.
Jul 2007
8:23pm, 29 Jul 2007
2,120 posts
MMMmmmmm!!!! Well strapped the monitor on and managed to keep within the set limits for most of the run (only approx 2 mile). Went high a couple of times on the hills but slowed to a walk to bring it back. Not really a true test as had to cut the run short after developing intense calf pain a limped back slowly. Will try at the club run on Tuesday for a better test.
Jul 2007
9:47pm, 29 Jul 2007
1,198 posts
did 18miles today, cant quite remember the exact details but for the first half I was actually below 70% (pace was slow though) I am never below 70% on LSRs!! I aim for 70-75%. overall av was 72% pace was 10.45/mile so not that great but it was quite warm and when it wasnt warm it was windy. the fact that 45 mins after my run (after a quick stretch shower and meal) I cycled to church then to the pool for a swim then home again and stil have energy left just goes to show that this low HR thing is good. when I didnt use the HRM I was pretty washed out after a run of this length and couldnt do much else for the rest of the day
Jul 2007
10:08pm, 29 Jul 2007
9,465 posts
Well done Hellen. Great to see you enjoyed the run and had enough left to do the other stuff in your day.
Jul 2007
9:33am, 30 Jul 2007
1,199 posts
just been looking at the stats, the pace was exactly the same for the miles 1-9 as miles 10-18 however there was an element of cardiac drift. miles 1-9 Av WHR was 150, miles 10-18 Av WHR was 156 I am not an expert but dont think that was too bad because the second half was warmer and also for 3 miles of it I was running into a headwind and when I turned round the wind dropped!!
Forgot to say girlie, def do the MP run and try to increase the distance of the MP run each week if calf allows. Then when you feel good about your calf then try some faster than MP runs
Jul 2007
9:48am, 30 Jul 2007
783 posts
Well done on your session Hellen.
I will try and fit in a 5k MP run this week. It's dropback week, so trying to cut the mileage. I'm still fearful of proper speed sessions though, and might stick to MP runs for the forseeable.
Think I might do a sub 70% 8 mile tomorrow, an MP 5k on Thursday and another 8 mile on Saturday. Does that sound ok?
See massage therapist on Thursday pm, so she can sort any problems casued by the speed session that morning!
Jul 2007
10:06am, 30 Jul 2007
1,200 posts
sounds good to me for a cut back week girlie.
you mensioned that you might soon beable to fit in a forth session in the week. What about if you jsut have 20 mins to spare going out for a 20 mins MP run. It may not feel like it is worth getting your kit on for that length of time but it is better than nothing.
Jul 2007
10:08am, 30 Jul 2007
1,201 posts
have you ever considered running to places? So for example, I wanted to go to the gym the other day to do some of my physio exercises so I ran there and back. It didnt really take up much more time than if I had driven or cycled.
the other week I wanted a couple of things from tescos so ran there, quicker than driving and finding a parking space and since I didnt need too much it wasnt too bad carrying it back, not ideal but again better than no run. also if it is not far or not too fast when you arrive you are not looking too red or sweaty!!!