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Heart rate

302 watchers
May 2019
2:49pm, 16 May 2019
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Daz Love
In that case J2R I am puzzled like you.

It could be some of what Larks said above and doubt you will ever find the answer :)

I think what it does say, is that one day you will go even quicker :)
May 2019
7:09pm, 17 May 2019
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Daz Love, I'd love to think that was the case! In the past I've always found that I've got my fastest times when I've been able to access that high heart rate range, which is 'out of bounds' whenever I'm tired or ill or borderline over-trained. I'm wondering whether I'm being rev-limited, and if I can break through that I can find some extra speed. :)
May 2019
3:59pm, 21 May 2019
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Loving the Garmin red HR strap so far - no dodgy readings, I'm starting to trust HR again. I did notice that the instruciton booklet suggests I rinse the strap every time after use, and give it a better wash every 7 uses, so I'll do that too - perhaps at the end of the day the fact that i never washed the old straps was one of the reasons why they got less effective.

On a different note, my VO2 Max (as calc'd but hidden by my watch, and displayed only by the magic of Runalyze's website, sorry Fetch!) is now at the highest I think it's ever been at 64.46, off the back of the weekend's half mara. It's just a number which is higher than a number was some time ago, but it is nice that it is higher!

Perhaps I will get the proper testing done one day to see what my readings "really" are.
May 2019
4:04pm, 21 May 2019
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What watch do you have Larks? The newer 245/ 945 are apparently more accurate on race times/ VO2 Max that the older 235/935...

By the way, 64 is awesome, I bet your marathon prediction says sub 3! ;-)
May 2019
4:59pm, 21 May 2019
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It's the old style square vivoactive, which they accidentally installed the VO2Max calculations on and then disabled visibility of it! I can wish that 64 was my "real" figure, but I think in principle it should be comparable with the VO2Max reading that others get on their Garmin devices too. Though your point about the x45 vs the x35 models may contradict that!

WAVA and VO2Max would both say sub 3. Let's not go there... ;-)
May 2019
5:43pm, 21 May 2019
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Larks - if your VO2 max is 64.xx you really are UNDER achieving :¬)
May 2019
7:31pm, 21 May 2019
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My vo2 max is about 60/61 when using my he strap and 57 when using optical. I used to trust my hr strap more but it was showing unreliable signs so switched back to optical even if I distrust it.
May 2019
7:36pm, 21 May 2019
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Basically need to ignore the VO2 max calcs on the watch/other things that use HR. They may give you an indication you are improving but other than that they’ve always been several whole numbers out from where I’ve been in terms of performance.
May 2019
7:38pm, 21 May 2019
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That was my thinking. The strap was becoming very erratic and while the optical is I believe wrong it is at least consistent.
May 2019
7:55pm, 21 May 2019
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Last year I had a Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test which included VO2Max. That gave me a result of 50.1 mL/kg/min which for my age put me in the topmost category of "superior" :-) (the average for my age and gender is ~30 mL/kg/min).

I'd hate to think what it has fallen to over the eventful last 15 months :-(

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach
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