Heart rate

3 lurkers | 300 watchers
Jul 2018
4:20pm, 5 Jul 2018
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HappyG - correct stress = HRV. And it does definitely say that only the *latest* optical ones could measure stress (using HRV), I assume because it's 24/7 and no-one wants to wear a chest strap 24/7. I note that I did have an iphone app that could measure HRV but it did seem random.
Jul 2018
4:55pm, 5 Jul 2018
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My watch was earlier reporting low stress. I am now in a meeting with the CFO and it reckons I’m resting. :-0
Jul 2018
10:33pm, 5 Jul 2018
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HappyG, Garmin Pay works with Starling. I set up an account just to use Garmin Pay and it was super easy. Download the Starling app, you can do everything from there. Works well.
Jul 2018
11:02pm, 5 Jul 2018
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I'm a little confused regarding HRV (Heart Rate Variability?) and the stress measure, they're different right? I've just upgraded to a Fenix 5 Plus and they are separate widgets/apps. The HRV requires a chest strap and gives you a rating after measuring for 3 minutes. The stress score uses OHR and monitors throughout the day, or you can get the widget to measure immediately (30 seconds to give you a result).
Jul 2018
6:51am, 6 Jul 2018
5,866 posts
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That’s about it. HRV was in the watch before the stress score and I reckon it is more accurate because it uses a strap.
Jul 2018
11:40am, 6 Jul 2018
12,985 posts
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But the stress test is based on HRV, see the Garmin docs on it:

Jul 2018
12:48pm, 7 Jul 2018
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:) G, my stress test bit tells me I never rest...and am undergoing mild level stress...I tend to take that with a truckload of salt, and completely ignore it or I'd be stressing about it!;) Oh, and there are periods when my HR over 4 hour period seems to be nothing, zilch!...(I have a small wrist so may lose contact periodically, I guess!) - either that, or I'm dead for short periods of time! ;) :P Time to dig out my chest strap for my 620.
Aug 2018
5:58pm, 30 Aug 2018
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Interesting article about analysis of Fitbit data and resting heart rate especially as some people seem to have misgivings about low resting rates finance.yahoo.com
Aug 2018
6:40pm, 30 Aug 2018
380 posts
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SSLHP (Shoes smell like horse piss)
Wow, that's really interesting
Aug 2018
6:50pm, 30 Aug 2018
1,344 posts
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Interesting and potentially extremely useful body of data. But I think the interpretations in the article are often way too simplistic. For one thing, surely resting heart rate isn't the only marker of heart health, yet everything is interpreted as if it is - the way he puts it, what's best for you is always what results in a lower resting heart rate. I doubt it's as simple as that.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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