May 2015
9:55am, 18 May 2015
128 posts
Humidity effects HR significantly. Even if it's not too hot, check humidity as that can still be high
May 2015
10:05am, 18 May 2015
30,664 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Recalculated based on 184 MHR that could change but sounds good for now.
Easy run 60-70% 110-128 bpm Normal/steady 70-75% 129-138 bpm Tempo 75-85% 139-156 bpm Intervals 85-95% 157-174 bpm (depends on length )
May 2015
10:06am, 18 May 2015
685 posts
Thanks for the video links dibbers :).
Sooooo, I'm doing my 'intervals' more as threshold repeats, what will I gain from this? Am I slowly pushing my LT up, but could do this better by doing a proper threshold run instead? Would I get more benefit from doing shorter intervals but at the proscribed intensity?
Spen, could you have been still recovering from Thursdays session on Friday? How was your mental state across the three runs? You seemed surprised by the good pace for Thursday, were you then disappointed with Fridays pace?
May 2015
10:31am, 18 May 2015
55,991 posts
6 plus miles at 8.35 average pace 60.7% MaxHR
I think the big issue with most men is arrogance on pace and a reluctance to slow down.
May 2015
10:39am, 18 May 2015
39 posts
I think that's true of women too Gobi, maybe not arrogance, but this 'no pain, no gain' - don't want to be weak thought processes. I've certainly been guilty of it, probably why I like training to HR now.
May 2015
10:52am, 18 May 2015
55,992 posts
As a rule women are cautious, men are too much ego/balls and not enough thought
May 2015
12:01pm, 18 May 2015
7,322 posts
Running slowly for 21 miles hurts just as much/if not more than running it faster... When I did the 21 miler doing it for 3 hrs 30 mins, I was practically in bits because of the marathon "ache" in my legs.
May 2015
12:10pm, 18 May 2015
30,665 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
At my club most people especially the women go eyeballs out on club run and post on Facebook they did a PB wtf. Must be going 95-100% at I'm conservative
May 2015
12:21pm, 18 May 2015
8,534 posts
Gobi, I often think you expect others to be able to achieve the same effort levels that you do and dont take account of the fact that everyone is different. I takes a fair bit of training to be able to do 75% the 70% and sub 70% as max and even then I dount if many people could get anywhere near 60% without it being any more than a brisk walk !
May 2015
12:21pm, 18 May 2015
40 posts
I stick to HR easy pace on my non club nights so that I can go eyeballs out on club nights, and enjoy it. Breuer HR training every run was run too hard, which meant there was no energy for eyeballs out on club nights. I am one of those fiercely competitive women, I think hr training is helping me to be a better and more cautious runner in the long run.