May 2015
1:04pm, 18 May 2015
19,868 posts
eL Bee!
Bazoaxe - yes everyone is different - but for many - IF you are doing the miles and you are being disciplined about keeping your easy runs easy, then running at 60-65% becomes totally reasonable! In my last season as a runner while training for the 10 in 10 - I did about 90% of my running with V'rap and kept my HR at around 60%MHR and often below for 9 - 9:30 min/mile.
I did one properly hard session a week on my own, and that structure gave me all-time PBs at every distance that I raced that year - from 1 mile to marathon!!
It did take a while to get to that HR for that pace, but THAT's what physical conditioning is all about.
Specific effort levels maximise specific areas of that conditioning.
May 2015
1:15pm, 18 May 2015
8,537 posts
LB - I am not sure I agree, there are not many who I know from what I read on here that can get down to sub 65% or even 60%. You and Gobi appear to me to be very well trained exceptions.
My own dabbling in HR training definitely showed that you can improve over time, but it does take a lot of time. I got to a point of being able to do 70% and just sub 70% as my easy running before my HRM broke down and I never yet got round to replacing it. Ive made loads of improvement since than and sometimes with I had an HRM again to see where I am at, but I doubt if my easy runs would be at 65% or less
Actually just re-reading your post it may be the WHR/MHR tahst the difference - I was going off MHR (and it wasnt a fully proven max as I found the tests to not give a high enough max so went with a few beats about what I have seen at the end of a 5k)
When I started 75% max was near 10mm pace wherewas when the HRM broke I was probably 9mmish for 70%. My easy runs are still about 9mm.
May 2015
1:30pm, 18 May 2015
129 posts
it is important to differentiate between WHR and MHR. WRH is much more forgiving in terms of bpm
May 2015
1:52pm, 18 May 2015
55,997 posts
No Baz I expect everyone to have discipline for there own levels and pace but just wanted to point out what EASY was
May 2015
2:33pm, 18 May 2015
8,538 posts
Guess my point Gobi was that easy is different for us all and also varies over time based on fitness.
60%-65% is a grand aim but not necessarily achievable, or certainly not quickly
May 2015
3:08pm, 18 May 2015
30,667 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
60% of my MHR is 110 so that hAS NEVER happened
May 2015
3:20pm, 18 May 2015
41 posts
My log says that I managed to do the moonwalk at 61% of my MHR so that would mean I'd have to run at an average pace of 15:52/mile - snort!
May 2015
4:02pm, 18 May 2015
80 posts
here's another snort!! I did a 52 minute run (run?!!) today at av 126 bpm and completed just 4 miles..on purpose. Bloody hell, 13 minute miling That's What I Call Easy Running! Way outside my identified level 1 zone pace so just one of those days!
May 2015
4:21pm, 18 May 2015
56,001 posts
it doesn't happen because MAN EGO means people won't run slow enough to develop
My pace is irrelevant the effort level is the recover point detail that matters
May 2015
5:05pm, 18 May 2015
19,869 posts
eL Bee!
I agree, G.
The *effort* is what is important - but so many people are pace-orientated! The change in mindset is far more if a challenge than actually training effectively!