Feb 2009
5:15pm, 18 Feb 2009
143 posts
This is something like week 4 Roo. I think some of the improvement i am seeing is because i was coming from what was almost, if not quite, a standing start. I had been suffering from injury and christmas for a few months before i started so my fitness had dipped and i had been running a lot less than i used to. These last few weeks have been getting me back up the the sort of fitness i had before. Still some way to go i think and i am sure the gains wont always be so easy but so long as the running is easy and fun i am happy to trust in it and keep going.
Feb 2009
5:17pm, 18 Feb 2009
11,709 posts
I'm on week 5 and have seen no tangible improvement at all. In fact I'm pretty much going backwards.
If anyone says I might be running inefficiently I *will* hunt them down.
Feb 2009
5:19pm, 18 Feb 2009
628 posts
Feb 2009
5:23pm, 18 Feb 2009
26 posts
Run 2 of 2009's HMT. 5 miles off-road around Hyde Park (Leeds), avHR 140 bpm (70% WHR), 54:39, 10:42 min/mile. Very slow again due to sticking to sub 70% WHR ... can be a tad frustrating letting folk over-take and not responding. Same run as on Monday but about 1 min slower. Owards and upwards.
Feb 2009
5:24pm, 18 Feb 2009
144 posts
5 weeks still isnt that long. Keep at it, i am sure the improvements will come.
Feb 2009
5:26pm, 18 Feb 2009
11,711 posts
Will one grey zone run at around 10mm (cos I'm so very very bored of running at 13+mm) upset the whole process completely and mean I'm effectively starting again?
Feb 2009
5:26pm, 18 Feb 2009
5,790 posts
How is the weather in your area? Keep at it:)
Feb 2009
5:29pm, 18 Feb 2009
7,709 posts
eL Bee!
Roo - no - it won't Sometimes just running is more beneficial than anything else, and CERTAINLY won't be detrimental to your progress
Feb 2009
5:31pm, 18 Feb 2009
145 posts
Dont think a grey area run would have any negative effect other than not giving the benefits that a sub70% run would. It has to be fun to stop it being a slog and if going out for a quicker run is what you need then no reason not to.
Feb 2009
5:31pm, 18 Feb 2009
2,053 posts
Lizzie W
Have a lovely run, Roo