Feb 2009
4:22pm, 18 Feb 2009
1,416 posts
When I logged on to Fetch today to see 63 new posts on the heart rate thread i entered here with trepidation, but I must say todays posts from everyone have been well worth reading, and has brought my enjoyment back to this thread.
So copied directly from my log for todays run:
P&D say that LSR's should be between 10 & 20% slower than planned Marathon Pace, and also that you should be ending your long runs at the faster end of that pace scale so that your body (& mind, I guess) becomes accustomed to the higher effort at the end of a marathon. My Marathon goal pace of 8.30 min miles means the range should be 9.21 to 10.12
So aim was to run 7 miles out at around 10 to 10.10 min/mile pace and 7 miles back at 9.20 to 9.30. 14miles in 02:16:59, 09:47 ave pace, 63% WHR First 7 = 10.09 ave pace , 59% WHR Last 7 = 9.25 ave pace, 67% WHR
Aim acheived!
SportTracks tells me that 99.5% of my run was sub 70% WHR, ignore the spikes of the first mile and all of it was sub 70!
Feb 2009
4:38pm, 18 Feb 2009
2,058 posts
Big Al Widepants
That's great Bob! Forgive my ignorance but you seem to be running to pace. I thought we were supposed to ignore pace (sort of).
Today I'm on for a recovery of 127BPM or less. One hour on feet. That will probably equate to about 6 miles.
Feb 2009
4:40pm, 18 Feb 2009
7,704 posts
eL Bee!
BAW - It's kind of a continuum! And when you get to the point where the paces that you are advised match the HR stuff - mixing and matching becomes much easier.
Bob! nice running, mate Looking good!
Feb 2009
4:42pm, 18 Feb 2009
7,752 posts
lol Al, I think we are mostly singing from the same hymn sheet
sorry, I just generally lurk on here anyway and have got frustrated at recent events.
Feb 2009
4:51pm, 18 Feb 2009
3,875 posts
Big al, be aware of the different types of hr training. While pace is important with hadd, what is more important is the time on feet at specific hr zones. Pace becomes important when you are comparing runs of different dates for the same hr.
Feb 2009
4:54pm, 18 Feb 2009
914 posts
paul the builder
Great run Bob. Carry on like that, and you're going to enjoy FLM, I promise. (You do have an awful lot of races in your schedule between now and then - are you going to run them all? And if so, are you going to race them all?)
Feb 2009
4:55pm, 18 Feb 2009
142 posts
Distance: 6.44m Time taken: 01:10:36 Average/Max Speed : 5.48mph / 11.50mph Average/Min Pace : 00:10:57 / 00:05:13 Average/Max heart rate: 133/141
63% whr Finding now that consciously taking it easy even on these easy runs doesnt have too much of a negative effect on pace. I am definitely achieving the same sorts of pace for much less effort.
Now i have gotten beyond the shuffling and walking stage i dont think i have ever enjoyed my running quite so much. I know pretty much what i am going to get out of each run because i have an objective measure to test effort against and i know that i am making improvments without running till i am retching at the side of the road every time i go out.
Feb 2009
4:58pm, 18 Feb 2009
7,707 posts
eL Bee!
tcg - excellent
Feb 2009
5:00pm, 18 Feb 2009
11,706 posts
tcg - how long have you been HR training for now?
Feb 2009
5:12pm, 18 Feb 2009
1,417 posts
will be running them all, but racing hardly any!
This Sundays 20 will be done with (up to) 12 miles at PMP as per my P&D shedule. Will race the 3.5 and Half Marathon, the rest are training runs with company!