Apr 2016
7:47pm, 22 Apr 2016
810 posts
Playing devil's advocate for a minute, it seems to me that quite a few people enjoyed having their great PBs on a "fast" course....up until the point at which it was ruled officially short...personally I was disappointed that this year was so long
Apr 2016
7:55pm, 22 Apr 2016
4,056 posts
Mind you no one threatens to *strike* times off when the distance is too long!
Admittedly there are a lot of good marathon runner's (3. 30 and below imo) who will be understandably angry that their pbs won't stand - that's if they haven't improved.
And if they used those times to get a good for age place in London, then I presume they've used that place and may of done good.
But for the rest of us (I run 3:49 something last year, so what? )
And if the measuring people got Manchester so wrong over so many years, how many more did they get wrong during those years?
We constantly hear of runners complaining about the length of races - food for thougt and how reviosinst do we want to be?
I do agree with fenners though that if you pay so much for a big race you should get the best.
But all this ranting is becoming a bit too much runners world for me.
Apr 2016
7:59pm, 22 Apr 2016
8,398 posts
Getting one year wrong is excusable, but repeating the mistake?
Apr 2016
8:04pm, 22 Apr 2016
3,197 posts
""how many more did they get wrong during those years?"" Given (I think) the GMM '13 course measurer is directly involved in the organisation of one of the NW's biggest half marathons I've emailed AUKCM directly and asked just that (amongst other things).
Apr 2016
8:09pm, 22 Apr 2016
4,057 posts
I'm not saying your wrong fenners - they should get it right.
I find it hard to believe that in this day and age you have to rely on a bloke and a bike to accurately measure a course.
Measuring distances mechanically is fraught with inaccuracies - has anyone asked Tim Peake if he can help?
Apr 2016
10:10pm, 22 Apr 2016
32,168 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
It will continue it's a good course/race I guess what you want is changes in organisation to make it a great event.
That possibly would mean a change at the top
Apr 2016
10:39pm, 22 Apr 2016
3,198 posts
I've had a response to my email, and so found out a bit more about the situation. Nobody comes out of this with any credit. And there's the (likely) possibility of more to come out yet
Apr 2016
10:43pm, 22 Apr 2016
260 posts
Just because youre local to the event, why should you support it if its terribly organised? There have been issues over and over - never the organisers fault... Manchester deserves a better Marathon and better organisers than this.
Apr 2016
10:56pm, 22 Apr 2016
12,769 posts
What did they say Nelly? They refused to comment to the BBC radio programme's producers today.
Apr 2016
11:26pm, 22 Apr 2016
3,199 posts
Jenny - there's the possibility of more races effected. The GMM situation is a mess.