Sep 2014
7:03pm, 25 Sep 2014
393 posts
Thanks! We had a lovely time. He didn't sleep much of the travelling, he screamed lots on the plane which was a bit tough, and I just had to put my don't care what anyone thinks head on. But I need not have worried, everyone was cool with it He did sleep a bit better at night though which was good!
Oct 2014
4:11pm, 4 Oct 2014
337 posts
Hello! Just shuffling over from the Pregnancy thread. Can I ask some advice? I'm now nearly 6 weeks pp and mostly recovered from the birth. I do, however, have a mild cervical prolapse. It's all internal (sorry if TMI) just 'slumped' a bit! GP says do lots of pelvic floor exercises but should be ok to run gently and that running may even help strengthen it. I always thought running was meant to be a bit hard on the PF and my GP (though very nice) doesn't look like a runner, if you get my drift.... What's the opinion from those who have been there before me? Thanks.
Oct 2014
4:18pm, 4 Oct 2014
475 posts
Following this...
Oct 2014
7:38pm, 4 Oct 2014
5,128 posts
Sorry I've no idea. Hope someone can help and things resolve quickly x
Oct 2014
9:33pm, 6 Oct 2014
5,134 posts
So I did my first Half since having babypie. Dead chuffed with a reasonable result on v little training. YAY YAY YAY
Oct 2014
7:05am, 7 Oct 2014
6,706 posts
Running can certainly be tough if you have a weak pelvic floor. I'm not sure if there's any evidence to show running harms the pelvic floor. Things that do weaken it are pregnancy and childbirth, persistent cough, constipation (straining is very bad for the PF) and being overweight is supposed to be too, I'm not sure I follow the logic on that one so much.
Doing the PF exercises:
Try to do them several times a day. Put reminders up, tick charts, whatever it takes. Make sure you aren't contracting the glutes, or abs (you might pull in the deep abdominal muscle) or thigh muscles,it should just be the inside muscles, no one should be able to see you moving! Think about closing off around your back passage first and then see if you can bring in the muscles around the front passages, it's a lifting up inside type feeling.
Do contractions where you squeeze and hold (how long depends on how strong you are), and also contractions that you squeeze and release quickly.
The exercises will help your prolapse, your continence and your pelvis.
Best way to feel if the PF is working is to feel it yourself...if you want me to go into that please say, it might be TMI for some, but I reckon it's the right thing to do.
Feel free to fmail me, I have some Women's Health Physiotherapy experience from my Birmingham days.
Oct 2014
11:06pm, 7 Oct 2014
4,004 posts
well done KP
Oct 2014
11:39pm, 7 Oct 2014
338 posts
Thanks, Katie! That gives me more confidence. All together now; Sqeeeeeeeze!
Oct 2014
10:50am, 9 Oct 2014
6,708 posts
You're welcome
Oct 2014
2:26pm, 9 Oct 2014
5,138 posts
Thanks mummyV