Nov 2011
8:35am, 14 Nov 2011
19,448 posts
Old Croc
repeat question - will I score points when I go to a race at the weekend or do I have to change my "home" location?
Nov 2011
8:41am, 14 Nov 2011
10,343 posts
OC - if there are coins / markers on the course you will collect them. Bear in mind that some can only be collected once, so record your run before anyone else does.
Nov 2011
8:42am, 14 Nov 2011
19,449 posts
Old Croc
Thanks Fetch. The 70 miles in the car might make it unlikely that I'll be first to download!
Nov 2011
9:06am, 14 Nov 2011
2,934 posts
With the bugs that I moved yesterday,
a) can someone else now move them when they run there?
b) if I go where they are now will they come home with me?
Nov 2011
9:31am, 14 Nov 2011
1,035 posts
I've unregistered for now, because I'm injured and not running at all and all the negative points were too depressing. If you unregister then reregister, do you start again from scratch or pick up from where you were? The latter seems right for being injured, but probably opens the door to some sneaky tactics in other circumstances. Hmm..
I *really* want to be running again. This thread is making it all much worse
Nov 2011
9:33am, 14 Nov 2011
175 posts
Pale Skinny Vegan
IceMaiden, as I understand it, anyone else who runs through one of your bugs will move it and you will score 10 points, whether they move it further away or back in to your home circle. Bugs are dropped at the far point of your run, so it's impossible to bring one home.
This leads on to another question though; If I pick up two or more bugs on one run, run 1.1 miles from home, then turn round and run home, do they all get dropped at the turning point so there are several bugs in one place ? Won't all the bugs end up in clusters this way ?
Another suggestion, bearing in mind I know nothing about programming, so could be asking for the impossible; Most people playing will have several GPS tracks already uploaded on their training log. Would it be possible for the markers to always appear on an existing track, rather than completely at random ? This would avoid having bugs appear in inaccessible places and having to be reported.
Nov 2011
9:51am, 14 Nov 2011
20,606 posts
I'm interested in the point that Grrr made - can we see the coins we collected on our routes in the training log?
Nov 2011
10:05am, 14 Nov 2011
10,344 posts
IM - yes, anyone who runs over a bug will move it. And no, they stay at the furthest point.
Drell - I hope you feel better soon.
PSV - they will be dropped at random points within the 0.1 of a mile. So they might get bunched up sometimes, but if you then ran them to 2.9, they'd space out again. As for using existing tracks, it's (a) quite intensive to search all that data, and (b) doesn't quite encourage people to run in new places. The "report" function seems to be doing its job for everyone but the seaside players.
J66 - maybe in the future. As things stand, this works quite nicely without interfering / slowing down other areas of the site. So it might be something I can offer in future when I'm feeling brave enough, but I try not to mess with the core functions of the site... unless my plan really is to mess with the core functions.
Nov 2011
10:07am, 14 Nov 2011
176 posts
Pale Skinny Vegan
John66, as an improvised solution to your question, if you open your map in one tab, open another tab to upload your run, then open the map again in that tab, as long as you don't refresh the old map, you can toggle between the two to see the changes.
Nov 2011
10:20am, 14 Nov 2011
20,607 posts
Cheers PSV - might try that.