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FetchPoint: The Game

1 lurker | 284 watchers
Jul 2023
1:51pm, 17 Jul 2023
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So frustrating, with 3 weeks holiday within the 6 weeks. I’ve finally got my fetchpoint score back to where it was before I went on holiday last August!

Just wish you could just take a week off! I know you can take the game with you but it really depends where you are as to how successful it is!
Jul 2023
2:02pm, 17 Jul 2023
346 posts
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Bright Strider
Yes. I think the idea of a Fetchpoint holiday has been raised, but I don't remember it gaining much comment, which is a guide to the kind of support it might receive if raised as a feature request.
I did a bit of bug squashing on my holiday, but intermittently. What with parkrun and a church trip to the beach at the weekend, I didn't squash any bugs on Saturday or Sunday. I have three to squash this evening; oh, and I have running club. One can only do so much.
I quite like the idea of a 'squash bug with organised activity' feature. The idea is that if you do your exercise for the day in some regular, predictable fashion, like parkrun, then your bug is placed on the course and is squashed when you go through it; as long as the course is outside your circle. It doesn't tie up well with my running club's Monday activity, though: we don't know the course beforehand; only the hare does.
Jul 2023
3:09pm, 17 Jul 2023
43,120 posts
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Do you find that a bug appears where you were yesterday and you're not going to get there today. 😂

It'll have to stay a few days
Jul 2023
3:15pm, 17 Jul 2023
18,389 posts
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Fetchpoint is a Sisyphean task. I guess to truly make a run at a max score, it is a 71 day odyssey as you want the first batch of flowers to be harvested on day 1 of the 30 day window. I’m having a week off so might start a charge towards end of September when I get back

I’m not a big fan of a feature having a bug on your regular or parkrun route. I figure the bug is a daily challenge to go wherever it ends up. Being able to choose to put it on a fixed route kind of negates that
Jul 2023
3:26pm, 17 Jul 2023
347 posts
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Bright Strider
NDWDave, yes: it is the game, and the game is not unreasonable. One can do what one can do.
Night-owl, now and then, yes it does happen. I'm not sure it is more frequent than random, but it does jar when it happens.
jelly, one of us suggested leaving the game and then restarting, with a clean sheet.

These are the ways Fetchpoint helps me with exercise:

1 Motivation to do some exercise each day.
2 A direction to go in, ideally in the direction of somewhere I haven't been for a while.
Jul 2023
11:03pm, 17 Jul 2023
106,734 posts
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Isn't that part of the game Jelly? I am now, 5 weeks into my cancer journey, slowly mopping up my 30 bugs! My max score is 27.000 just fyi... I will get there again! For a start, I am now well enough to walk far enough, just, to get out of my circle. And today I was able to go out on my e-bike for half an hour. I hope to repeat that as that too gets me out of my circle and planting flowers. Not quite the 100 km+ rides of before my illness, but I am now steadily moving up and soon out of negative figures... The game makes getting back enjoyable and it stimulates me to plan a route and go out. Just for that extra bug... Or if not well enough to de-bug, walk to that diamond for some points.
Jul 2023
3:55pm, 18 Jul 2023
5,422 posts
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So if I ran a marathon with a friend and her flowers are there but mine are not did she steal everything as I was planting them?
Jul 2023
4:06pm, 18 Jul 2023
43,129 posts
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Did you get a notification that someone harvested your flowers
Because if you uploaded first. When your friend uploaded she would have picked your flowers and then planted her own
Jul 2023
4:08pm, 18 Jul 2023
3,096 posts
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So if I ran a marathon with a friend and her flowers are there but mine are not did she steal everything as I was planting them?

In essence, yes - which is good for you on two counts. Firstly, you'll have been awarded a point for every flower she picked. Secondly, and assuming the marathon was outside your circle/usual running routes, you don't need to worry about going back to water them to gain any more points; you can concentrate on those nearer home.
Jul 2023
4:13pm, 18 Jul 2023
2,826 posts
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jelly, that seems as if you uploaded your run before her and so planted your flowers, then she uploaded her run after you, "stole" your flowers and planted her own.

In Fetchpoint "your activity" for the day of the run, it should show that you planted flowers, and also that some flowers were "stolen", which should correspond to the above paragraph.

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