FetchPoint: The Game

2 lurkers | 284 watchers
May 2021
10:02am, 27 May 2021
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I confess to strangling traffic lights at birth in the area where eL Bee! and I have overlapping circles for reasons of domestic harmony.
May 2021
10:04am, 27 May 2021
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George Smiley
I can certainly see this penalizing those in more rural areas with limited routes.
May 2021
10:10am, 27 May 2021
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George Smiley
Or indeed anywhere with limited routes
May 2021
10:15am, 27 May 2021
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Oh no, it's a pain avoiding a TL for a month but I don't think I'd like to have to do it forever. I don't think this is a good enhancement and may mean me having to leave the game. It's a shame as it's the one thing which makes me decide on where I'm going to go on my chosen activity of the day. :(
May 2021
10:16am, 27 May 2021
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♪♫ Synge ♪♫
I'm in a rural area with limited routes. I think I saw a traffic light once ... ;-)
May 2021
10:18am, 27 May 2021
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We have two or three traffic lights appear every day.
May 2021
10:21am, 27 May 2021
5,746 posts
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Fizz :-)
I’m in a rural area, with limited routes. And it won’t affect my daily runs at all. I zoom the map out to its full extent and can’t currently see a single traffic light. But I can see it might badly affect more “dense” players. Let it run for a while and see what happens?
May 2021
10:22am, 27 May 2021
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As somebody in a rural area with limited routes, I see this adjustment making no material difference to what I do. The far greater challenge could occur in more urban areas - or anywhere with high player densities.

My circle overlaps with only one other - and even then that's intermittent and he rarely ventures into mine. I expect to keep picking up points for traffic light ownership, 'paying' next to nothing in congestion charges and 'earning' only fractionally more. If the route north ever becomes blocked by traffic lights owned by others then I'll go south, east or west and plant flowers more frequently instead.

As with all adjustments to all of the games on here, there will be some winners and some losers but, until it's bedded in a bit, we'll not know the scale of the impact - or how balanced that impact is - for some time. As was suggested earlier, how about we see how it goes for a month or two to understand what actually happens before deciding whether or not it's a good/bad change?
May 2021
10:23am, 27 May 2021
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Bright Strider
I quite like the idea of being able to bump one traffic a light a week. This ability would allow us to reduce the impact of hemming-in TLs.
I'm to the north of @Flatlander, and sometimes find myself being hemmed out of my obvious route to work/the city. I have to say, during the lock down, it has not been much of a problem.
May 2021
10:24am, 27 May 2021
50,808 posts
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Think about when you go to a parkrun........

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