FetchPoint: The Game

284 watchers
Aug 2020
1:21pm, 28 Aug 2020
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ITG 🇮🇸
my circle is centered precisely on our glamorous 2* hotel. (It has a pool though so I'm just grand.)
Aug 2020
1:22pm, 28 Aug 2020
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I was just thinking about this while on my lunch walk. So moving my circle to work each morning for when I can get out at lunch, then moving it back home for my evening run would be frowned upon? ;-)
Aug 2020
1:44pm, 28 Aug 2020
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I think for holiday purposes I shall go with centred on where I'll be sleeping - that seems simplest and I'm not sure which direction I'll be running in. At home I'm not in the centre, but I've got a pretty settled position I can stick with.
Aug 2020
2:04pm, 28 Aug 2020
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♪♫ Synge ♪♫
bobbob - if you went for the "mostly sea" option, I suspect you would have to spend half your holiday just clicking on bugs in the sea to mark them as inaccessible! It would be quicker and easier to run a mile inland if you had to ...
Aug 2020
2:07pm, 28 Aug 2020
24,612 posts
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To bring FP in line with WSW and Conquercise, I've just added a notification that turns up when you've logged a bit of training that earns you some points.
Aug 2020
2:20pm, 28 Aug 2020
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What would be the point Stu?

Your jewels don't move with the cicle. IMO you'd be better debugging and jewel collecting in one location and flower planting and watering in the other.
Aug 2020
2:25pm, 28 Aug 2020
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I wasn't serious but the point would be I could have two opportunities for bug squishing. If I was able to get the bug at lunch leaving me free to run where I like in the evening.
Aug 2020
2:43pm, 28 Aug 2020
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I knew I wasn't going to get a run in yesterday as I had to go and pick my car up from the garage, so I moved my home point to the garage, (in Gloucester), which put the bus station (Where I got off the bus from home) on the edge of my new circle. Quick walk in the wrong direction, pick up a diamond from a neighboring circle, then walk to the garage the looooong way round to squish my bug.

Did 2.1 miles in the end. And moved my circle back home last night because I will run here later. Probably. Hopefully.. if I can find my motivation.

That's ok though isn't it?
Aug 2020
2:50pm, 28 Aug 2020
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What if for some reason you couldn't get your bug at lunchtime? If you move your circle to home for your evening run, I am not sure if your bug would move with it.
Of course, after moving your circle to home for the evening, you could mark your lunchtime bug as inaccessible, but again I am not sure what would happen. Would it reappear in what was your lunchtime circle, or your evening circle?
I certainly don't think such a tactic would be in the spirit of the game (yes, I do know you weren't being serous ;-) ).
Aug 2020
3:08pm, 28 Aug 2020
1,989 posts
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Each time you move your circle, all your own bugs move with it. So, in StuH's (hypothetical) example he'd be taking his bug home with him if he failed to squish it at lunchtime.

Em - that seems entirely reasonable to me. Now get out there and run ;)

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