Aug 2020
10:12am, 28 Aug 2020
37,050 posts
I've done something to my calf so I'm taking a few days off from running, and the weather is very wet and unpleasant so cycling is not happening either much. I'm therefore suffering with 4 bugs again.
Today would have been my 30th day with a positive score except that I had no plans to do anything GPS-based and I woke to a 12 point penalty score.
However, on checking the maps there was a diamond so close that I could get it from my next door neighbour's garden! So before I got on the rower this morning I did a 2 minute walk, got the 40 points, and completed my 30 days of positives!
Also I've broken the 8000pt barrier.
Aug 2020
10:17am, 28 Aug 2020
10,243 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Good work, Nellers.
I squished my bug this morning but am going away for the weekend to a very remote hotel. I'll have to try to move my home point and "report" my bug until it is on an accessible bit if I am to make my 30 day streak.
I was on target for 10,000 (barely) but I think this weekend might scupper it.
Aug 2020
10:49am, 28 Aug 2020
18,317 posts
Or it may be the making of it...
Aug 2020
11:17am, 28 Aug 2020
149 posts
Bright Strider
Moving your home point before you go on holiday seems to be the way to do it.
Aug 2020
11:26am, 28 Aug 2020
11,035 posts
Little Nemo
Well done, Nellers I did a whole month of positive scores once many years ago. It was bloody hard work!
Bug squished on the way to work, 28 days to go.
Aug 2020
11:50am, 28 Aug 2020
10,244 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Done! Hopefully a bug will pop up in an accessible place...this could be tricky
Aug 2020
12:05pm, 28 Aug 2020
150 posts
Bright Strider
Hopefully not too many goes, ITG. Comparing the Fetch map with a satellite view (Google, Bing, Apple maps) could help.
Aug 2020
12:06pm, 28 Aug 2020
6 posts
What are the views on choosing where to put your circle while away?
I've got a holiday by the sea in a few weeks, and the easiest way to keep a bug free streak would be to have most of the circle over the sea (legitimately inaccessible) with a small bit on the beach/prom that I can saunter into and squash a bug with a short walk. But that seems a bit like cheating?
Aug 2020
12:25pm, 28 Aug 2020
151 posts
Bright Strider
Well, saying that your home while on holiday is the end of the pier is stretching credibility, rather. My practice is to put my home point on my current residence (whether it be a tent, B&B, caravan, etc.). I suppose moving it to another point where the circle includes my current residence is permissible.
Aug 2020
12:30pm, 28 Aug 2020
24,609 posts
The game suggests putting the circle where you do most of your running. So I reckon it's ok to choose a nice spot that fits in with your holiday running. Maybe if people started moving their circle for every single run, I might have to introduce a 7 day rule, like for WSW