Jul 2020
9:44pm, 21 Jul 2020
13,411 posts
Nope, it's at a height that's not so easy to manage unless it's constantly being pruned. If hubby weren't semi-retired (and not currently on a contract now), it would grow to too tall. We've gone through several hedge trimmers in the past too...and paid people to cut it. This morning, the neighbours just had someone cutting their side of the hedge...and the top too.
Hubby's going to get an estimate for putting up a fence in the next week or so and then we'll broach the subject with the neighbour.
Jul 2020
9:46pm, 21 Jul 2020
26,979 posts
I’m slowly getting back to a bit of running - I fell over on Saturday though and got a bit upset
Jul 2020
9:48pm, 21 Jul 2020
11,965 posts
Funnily, Mr Ness and I have the same issue with a Leylandii hedge that borders our driveway and our neighbours. Again, maintenance is tricky.
Jul 2020
9:56pm, 21 Jul 2020
17,087 posts
Oh dear, HB - falling over does that though, it's a shock! (even though I do it all the time, it still shakes me up every time)
Jul 2020
10:17pm, 21 Jul 2020
13,412 posts
Ness, my parents' house had a neighbour who never trimmed their cedar hedge in years - when we sold the house, it was 25 feet tall...(bloody huge)
Jul 2020
12:22am, 22 Jul 2020
2,761 posts
A very late good evening! Totally lost track that it was Tuesday.
Did a virtual 5k race for the Standard Chartered Great City Race. Wasn’t going to smash it and didn’t push completely but gave it a decent effort in the end. Quite enjoyed it too.
Jul 2020
7:16am, 22 Jul 2020
35,690 posts
I'm late !
Good luck Garfied with the hedge. We lived with an awful difficult to maintain hedge for 20 years as our neighbour refused to even discuss it. We mentioned it to our new neighours and it was gone with a month.
Jul 2020
7:38am, 22 Jul 2020
13,415 posts
Hee hee Doc. We have a backup plan...cut hedge back as much as is humanly possible then put up fence on our side. That way, the hedge won't grow more towards us any more, and they will have to cut the top off... It will save us the hassle of having the expense of having it uprooted lock stock and barrel!
Jul 2020
8:58am, 22 Jul 2020
12,209 posts
It was Tuesday? Oh.....
I'll blame the blood donation in the early evening for my lack of memory.
Although it does look like I wandered into the garden/hedging forum by mistake anyway.
I borrowed a chainsaw and took all the 20 metre long and 3 metre plus high lelandii "hedge" out. Made multiple pigeons homeless, but improved the light and drainage massively! And I can now grow things where it used to be.
Jul 2020
9:18am, 22 Jul 2020
13,417 posts
Mmm, if only!! I wonder where our land actually ends, as our neighbour behind us has a huge plot of land. Before our and our other neighbour's bungalows were built on our land, there used to be just one house...we had a look on historical maps of the area out of curiosity and our piece of land would have been rather small for the one house...not very deep.