Aug 2018
6:38pm, 15 Aug 2018
3,514 posts
Lots of positives going on here, just had a tuna fish salad, had a five mile run after work, and ate well at work with lots of water drunk. All good! I love elderflower - it is so refreshing!
Aug 2018
6:07am, 16 Aug 2018
11,957 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
I’ll be investigating elderflower.. and juniper, and probably will get one of those posh fake gins for our holiday
I’m learning some positives about moving and doing more, the benefit of not having a fuzzy head too!
Sunday I had one glass of wine, I would have had more but luckily Andrew wasn’t budging so we didn’t go off to the shop for more, we’ve had no alcohol since. So that’s a 4 day stretch
I’m off for a run then row then swim in a mo.. kicking the pants out of my gym membership
I’ve realised swimming is helping me zone out for a time, I just count the lengths which means my mind completely drifts away from its normal over busyness.. it’s ace!
Aug 2018
7:40am, 16 Aug 2018
466 posts
Swimming is my favourite, largely for that reason. I mostly find it quite meditative. Sometimes running can be like that too, but not always. Often running feeling like something I have to force myself to do because it's good for me, like eating broccoli.
Also I like the floaty weightless feeling (and the fact that the sporty girls who mocked me for being unable to netball were all terrible swimmers, which is petty I suppose, but whatever) of being in the water. I feel strong and sleek and elegeant, even though I probably look like a demented egg whisk.
Aug 2018
1:37pm, 16 Aug 2018
11,958 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
hahaha!! That's made me chuckle.. I feel exactly the same - it's a good job there's only my head above water most of the time
Struck me as very funny this week (your picking up I am a bit sick in humour!) that my bathing suit is very close to those of Baywtach (although a little more material around the kicker line MATRON!) and when I get out I kind of think to myself I wonder how many others are thinking I might start a glamorous life saving style run down the side of the pool
Aug 2018
2:14pm, 17 Aug 2018
11,959 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
WOW - who knew
Two weeks ago I was struggling to run - but adding walking each day... upping my water and thinking about what to do about alcohol intake
This morning (with a naughty wine head) I was up at 6:15am - did my "rest day" run - 1.5 instead of 1 - 5 min row - 10min weight machines and a 30 min swim
I feel SOOOooooo much better I've still to tackle the alcohol head on - as I noted that I really cannot drink as much as before, already! Two glasses and I'm positively squiffy - that's a positive - IF I remember - the water chasers I've introduced really help though
I have felt super tired this week and "Overdoing it" has been mentioned but I feel so alive - I feel like I can see the old me of years ago and she ALWAYS overdid it and survived!
Holiday for us from 5:15pm tonight - it's a staycation and I cannot wait! Planning day trips tonight
Aug 2018
3:18pm, 17 Aug 2018
29,617 posts
I’ve upped the running generally, but I’ve been tired as too many late nights, and the alcohol intake has remained pretty constant.
Aug 2018
3:18pm, 17 Aug 2018
29,618 posts
A week’s holiday in which to redress the balance, will that happen?
Aug 2018
3:40pm, 17 Aug 2018
481 posts
potential to even out the late nights with some lie-ins, at least?
Aug 2018
9:04pm, 17 Aug 2018
11,960 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
Just look for the small good things Dio
It’s too big to change the massive stuff, but little smiles are good
I’m ignoring all the yuk. And not focussing on the did not, just on the did
Even if it’s teeny tiny
Small steps
Aug 2018
1:36pm, 19 Aug 2018
14,037 posts
Just back from 2 weeks hols and only added 1kg to my weight. Previously in Cornwall I've been known to manage to add 1/2 stone in a week. We are all starting a family health kick today. We just had salad, tuna and lentils for lunch. I've still got a cough but have moved my WSW homesquare back and will walk this afternoon.
Thinking of doing a wallchart of days when I'm not allowed/allowed to drink alcohol. I thought being accountable might help!