Aug 2021
9:32am, 5 Aug 2021
4,732 posts
Near enough sparrowless in my garden too this last two weeks. This is part of the usual pattern here and they'll be back albeit in small numbers soon.
No singing birds at all today.
Aug 2021
9:35am, 5 Aug 2021
14,133 posts
Yorkshire Pie
A sole blue tit braved the sparrow army this morning
Aug 2021
12:47pm, 5 Aug 2021
8,616 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
A bit like my garden J2R - I’ve only seen a sparrow once in my rural garden, but I see loads half a mile away in the village, and also half a mile away in a different direction eating the cattle feed at a dairy farm.
Aug 2021
12:55pm, 5 Aug 2021
51,308 posts
Derby Tup
House sparrow like privet hedges in my experience and I’ve never had one
Aug 2021
1:19pm, 5 Aug 2021
2,068 posts
Never had many sparrows at the old house but a right mob of them in our new garden. But we don't get and starlings and we had loads at the old place. Related?
Swift watch, working in Newtown seen and heard about 3 or 4 this morning
Aug 2021
1:36pm, 5 Aug 2021
3,760 posts
As it happens, DT, there's a superbly sparrow-friendly privet hedge down one side of our garden, just sans sparrows! I think the issue must be something like the lack of suitable cover between my house and where they're all chirping away, which as I mentioned no more than 150m or maybe 200m away. I'm convinced that if they were to investigate my garden, they'd love it
Aug 2021
1:59pm, 5 Aug 2021
77,274 posts
I always had a few, but it is the wildflowers that have attracted them en masse this year...
Aug 2021
2:18pm, 5 Aug 2021
4,733 posts
after my "absent" statement earlier a group of 12 House Sparrows descended into the garden after I had cut the privet hedge!
Aug 2021
3:33pm, 5 Aug 2021
51,310 posts
Derby Tup
steve the sparrow whisperer
Aug 2021
7:23pm, 5 Aug 2021
88 posts
Usually lots of sparrows in our garden but they've made themselves scarce of late.
This afternoon we had a small bird of prey (possibly a Merlin?) devouring it's large clawed but unidentifiable meal.