Jun 2020
9:02am, 15 Jun 2020
4,948 posts
The Scribbler
Had a lovely wildlife related weekend. Met up with our local park wildlife group for the first time for a walk in the park. Then went to Washington Wetlands Centre which is just opening up to visitors again. It's been 3 months since we were there so there was loads to see with the meadows covered in grasses and wildflowers and loads of waders on the lake. We saw avocets with chicks, lapwings, common terns with chicks, black headed gulls and oyster catchers all on one island on the lake.
Jun 2020
9:24am, 15 Jun 2020
43,183 posts
Derby Tup
That sounds brilliant
Jun 2020
9:36am, 15 Jun 2020
4,949 posts
The Scribbler
It really was DT. They had done a great job of managing numbers and social distancing so that 2 family groups could access the hides, but as there were so few people about we were able to spend as long as we wanted in each one.
The hide where we normally see small birds was the busiest I've ever seen it, with four great spotted woodpeckers in view at one point, plus my first time seeing a jay, also willow tit and tree creeper and probably more species that I didn't spot as it was impossible to keep your eyes on all the activity. I will blog with pics when I get my photos off the big camera. Only fair after I gave this thread a shout on on last week's podcast.
Jun 2020
9:48am, 15 Jun 2020
2,673 posts
Lens question, if I can.
Has anyone here hired any lenses & had good or bad experiences? Am considering a Canon 100-400 zoom, and thinking to hire one for a few days to check it out in real life for birds & deer before spending mega ££.
Would like longer/bigger, but they seem to go to mega mega £££ very quickly.
Jun 2020
9:49am, 15 Jun 2020
43,185 posts
Derby Tup
Waders are my favourite birds and avocet fascinate me. They very occasionally turn up on passage on the local reservoirs here
Jun 2020
10:19am, 15 Jun 2020
19,198 posts
Um, I know a semi-pro photographer who always hires his big lenses these days.
The 100-400 is a great lens, esp the most recent incarnations, and I’m pretty sure it’s a full frame lens so if you have an APS body it’s effectively 150-600.
Jun 2020
10:55am, 15 Jun 2020
43,188 posts
Derby Tup
flanker, while I remember if you’re driving in wood warbler country wind your passenger side window down between the NT cp and Gibson mill. There might be two wood warbler and the one we heard was close to the track on the river side. We were on the track heading west and it was on our left. From past experience in Wharfedale the birds are highly territorial
Jun 2020
12:22pm, 15 Jun 2020
19,202 posts
Jun 2020
1:05pm, 15 Jun 2020
27,140 posts
Wriggling Snake
Stonechats, on the edges of open countryside,, near Crowden.
Jun 2020
1:18pm, 15 Jun 2020
10,254 posts
Several magpies now using my birdbath regularly for washing and drinking. Quite funny watching them splash about. They're also now more confident when I'm around and less likely to fly off when I walk into the kitchen and they can see me.