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FE Comprehensive end of year school report

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Dec 2018
10:17am, 18 Dec 2018
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Pupil: Goofee
Class: M55

The year started positively and with external tuition from Prof. Gobi, Goofee passed the 1000 mile mark in mid-April, since then, however, he has run very few miles and continues to make regular visits to the Sick Bay. I think Matron has seen enough of him now.

Only two 10k races completed with terrible results.

Grade: Ungraded

Goofee's cycling was half-hearted at best. I don't see a future for him in this discipline.

Grade: Ungraded

See cycling.

Grade: Ungraded

Extra curricular activity: Goofee was very active within parkrun club and was appointed Co-Event Director recently. He commenced Kung Fu classes with more enthusiasm than skill, despite this, he seems determined to continue.

Grade: A

A disappointing year so far as his core subject is concerned, balanced by progress in unexpected areas. No particular running targets have been set for 2019 other than completing Reading Half. He says this will be a 'jog round and enjoy it' type effort but I suspect that he is secretly planning on maintaining his run of sub 1:45 finishes at the event.
Dec 2018
11:01am, 18 Dec 2018
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Pupil: Mandymoo
Class: F50

Very disappointing year with excuse after excuse (ok PF bit more than an excuse as is cracked ribs). General census is could try harder

Too much talking about, and working in the cycling environment and not enough actual cycling. Well done on qualifying as a British Cycling Coach and the British Cycling positions but needs to get out on the bike much more in 2019

Too much talking about and no where near enough actual venturing into the water.

Need to make time for getting out running and cycling. Make a plan and stick to it. No need for pressure of races etc just do it for the enjoyment. Make sure you learn how to breath correctly in swimming in 2019.
Dec 2018
11:05am, 18 Dec 2018
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Pupil: Autumnleaves (AL)
Class: L50

Running - road
A mixed year - a promising start with lots of determination from AL as she tacked marathon training for the first time. Early progress unravelled with injury problems - but AL's stubbornness came to the fore and she did manage to complete London Marathon. We don't really recommend a repeat given that ever since AL has been somewhat absent from usual groups and forums at FEC. The injury bench has an AL shaped dint in it and we are tired of the sulking.
Grade B-

Running - offroad
AL's efforts here remain half-hearted - but an appearance in September's Lakeland Trails was a solid effort and we applaud her enthusiasm for running through mud and puddles. Indeed we recommend a bit more of this whilst AL works on returning to full strength and fitness.
Grade B+

AL's refusal to even contemplate getting on a bike remains an issue here. Small bursts on an exercise bike in the gym really don't amount to anything.
No grade due to absenteeism

AL's commitment to swimming as an alternative to running is lacklustre, since she turns to it only as "therapy". Her irritation at finding other people in the pool (with accompanying rolling eyes and tutting) doesn't help. That said, her technique is not too bad although recent appearances at the pool have been a bit few and far between.
Grade C - could definitely do better

AL's commitment to cross-training has dramatically improved over the last few years. To our intense surprise, she embarked on daily yoga (admittedly only 5 minutes) in the spring and has stuck with this routine. Weekly Pilates and strengthening work have also continued to be steady. We do hope that all this will pay dividends in the next 12 months and give AL some reward after this injury plagued year.

Grade A

AL gives of a lot of her time across one running club and a more informal group. She must learn to balance this with her own training more effectively next year. It would also help if she could learn to accept that not everyone will do as she tells them no matter how often she explains why they need to slow their long runs down or take a rest day. When her runners start depriving her of sleep as she frets about them things have really gone too far.
Grade A-

Overall AL has had better years in many ways - we hope next year will bring a return to form.
Dec 2018
11:12am, 18 Dec 2018
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Merry Christmas and Happy NewG(rrr)
Lol. These are funny. As I haven't seen a child's school report for many years, I don't actually know the terminology, but I'll copy and paste others!

Pupil: HappyG

Class: M45


Ran two marathons this year, but both seemed slight token efforts. As many of his previous reports have said, he seems to think running is mostly an excuse to hang out with friends and to post in social media. This is not an attitude likely to result in any better performance in this subject in the future. While injury at the start of the year excuses some of the low mileage, "mucking about with non-running mates" in the second half of the year does not. A lamentable attitude.

Very low mileage, very little proper application to his running, either in terms of training or racing. A very disappointing year overall. Disappointing, because he has some genuine potential for decent WAVA scores in his more senior years.

Grade: B-

Other Sports
At least maintained some cardio and stretch and strengthening work, even when injured and when running low mileage. Didn't even attempt swim or bike though. Must try harder.

Grade: C+

Non Sports Activities
Achieved 50th parkrun badge and continued to support at and volunteer at parkrun, which shows a good community attitude. Playing in the toy car club and occasional helping out on family farm are hardly CV or life enhancing activities though they align well with his laissez-faire attitude.

He is incredibly privileged to have a happy family (including recent grandson), friends, financial backing and general health by drifting through life and reaping unearned rewards.

Grade: Not an examined subject


HappyG suffered from a couple of injuries this year but this does not explain his complete drop off in work ethic and performance. Rather an increasingly lazy and world weary attitude seem to mar what could and should be an almost competent athlete and decent human being.

Overall grade: C

Remedial action plan for 2019:
Boston marathon in April will require at least a reasonable amount of mileage to stop this being a completely disastrous examination.
Thereafter, HappyG should pull his socks up, put in some consistent mileage and have a hard think about what WAVA goals he might be capable of and attempt to achieve as he moves up to the next class level next year.

:-) GG
Dec 2018
11:47am, 18 Dec 2018
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Pupil: larkim
Class: M45


After a very impressive start to the year with PBs at 5k and 33 miles, he coasted too much which has meant that at the the second half of the year he had fallen well behind his classmates. However, he has knuckled down in recent months and is starting to show good commitment again. To improve, he needs to continue to put the miles in and maintain focus. He is willing to learn, but often his mentors find that he appears to wilfully ignore good advice, and this disrupts his ability to maximise his opportunities to learn and progress. His non-running distractions, including evening work commitments, need to be well managed so that he can achieve what he is capable of.

Grade: B+


larkim appears to treat cycling as something you can just dip in and out of when the running is not going well. His on road skills are fine, but off road he has a lot of work to do to build his confidence. Despite having access to a turbo trainer, using it just three times in the year will not create any progress.

Grade: D


We have not seen any swimming work from larkim this year despite constant reminders. His holiday photos show that when motivated he clearly can enjoy swimming challenges, but unless he can translate this into structured activity he will continue to languish with feeble arms and a poorly toned upper body.

Grade: U


larkim clearly loves running and has a great base to build on in future years. Lessons learned this year in terms of taking his foot off the pedal will need to be fully embeded if he is to continue to progress his WAVA scores year on year.
Dec 2018
12:36pm, 18 Dec 2018
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Pupil: docmoye
Class: F50

Running: a fine amount of effort. Could improve results with a bit more focused work, but all I all a year to be proud of

Grade A

Race cheering : a new discipline taken up this year and one that may improve with practice.

Grade B


More of the same will be welcome next year.
Dec 2018
10:12pm, 18 Dec 2018
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(Loving these, as well as the occasional headmasters comments)

Pupil: Meglet
Class: F45


Meglet has continued running but much reduced on previous years. She has done well to fit it in amongst family life and other activities, but distances have been shorter than usual and some sessions have been skipped. She hasn't attended many races, is intermittent at running club, and even parkrun has dropped recently in favour of cycling. She could do with trying harder to get that third run per week and increasing distance for the longer run if she wants to get back to PB form. She will fail to reach the 500 mile target this year.
Grade: C


An excellent year of cycling sees Meglet pass 2000 miles for the year for the first time, as well as completing her first 100 mile sportive. Joining a cycling club in the spring has increased miles as well as enjoyment and I'm pleased to see her integrating well with her clubmates socially. Meglet is still lacking speed and power but this should improve if she keeps training consistently and regularly
Grade: B+


Well done to Meglet for taking a series of lessons earlier this year and managing to get something resembling front crawl. It would be better if she didn't use the nose clip but at this stage it's helping her progress without panicking. However, we haven't seen her at the pool in the latter part of the year so she may have lost some of the confidence she gained.
Grade: B for effort

Meglet broke an 8 year drought and took part in her second ever sprint triathlon this year, competing valiantly in the same wave as her faster clubmates and running well in the heat. What she lacks in style and speed she makes up for in enthusiasm and commitment.

Extra curricular activity
I'm pleased to see that Meglet found a suitable core class after moving house last year and is attending regularly. She's trying hard but I'd like to see her attempting longer in full plank. Her weekly spin class should help with the cycling.

Overall a reasonable year which has seen a switch from running to cycling as the main sport. A new winter bike with disc brakes should help maintain training over the winter, unlike last year, which will be needed to prepare for a cycling trip to Tenerife in the spring. She's not ready to give up running but we sense it will give way to more cycling over the next year.


Overall grade B
Dec 2018
10:31pm, 18 Dec 2018
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Surrey Phil
Pupil: Surrey Phil
Class: M45


Tendency to struggle with distances beyond ten miles due to tight hamstrings. Still managed to attain his 50th marathon badge in April. More physio and attention to strengthening exercises required.

Grade: C+

Race Director:
10k organised and passed without error. Needs to work alongside peers to better effect.

Grade: A-

Overall Grade: B

Form Tutor's Summary:

Has struggled with injury this year, otherwise his performances would have deserved better finishing times. Recommend a half-marathon or 10k next year to complement a few marathons. Some hard work over the winter may reap rewards.
Dec 2018
5:20pm, 20 Dec 2018
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Pupil: GimmeMedals
Class: F50-54

GM shows excellence in planning activities and training sessions. She shows great enthusiasm for thinking about running and compiling charts, graphs and training plans. If only she could transfer that zest to the physical aspect of this sport then she would see more success. The actual running itself is more of a challenge for her because she has a tendency to think she can perform better than she is able to (due to a lack of training) and this results in injuries, which would be avoidable if she followed a sensible training plan.

Grade: C-

Cycling / swimming
GM did not show up for any classes this year.

Grade: Fail

Head teacher's remarks:
If GM follows a sensible C25K training plan, then she will see great improvements in 2019. She needs to concentrate more on building up distance slowly and carefully than on entering races that have enticing medals. You can do this, GM!
Jan 2020
6:12pm, 3 Jan 2020
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School Year: 2019
Pupil: JulesR

Class: M55


Despite a low mileage year, Jules was influenced positively by a keen running girlfriend (sadly she ran away towards the end of term). New experience of a big (Dollar) hill race with shorter Parkrun attendance kept run legs ticking over. End of year Glen Clova 1/2 in about 1:46 was reflective of training done before.

Grade: B-


Started positively with overseas school trips to Lanzarote, Calpe & Mallorca but very little outdoor cycling done after tri in June. A bit of cramming has been seen in the last few months with Calpe trip in Feb 2020 approaching.

Grade: C+


Jules has worked really hard in his swim mileage with over 200miles logged this year sneaking into Fetch swim league top 10. Speed has increased a bit too, but mostly indoors with less Loch dipping than last year. A cold shock is due with an ice swim relay in March 2020

Grade: A-

A better year for this with Scottish Aquathlon Champs and a 1/2 Distance Tri in Champagne region both completed in decent times. Podiums were not bothered in either.

Grade: B

Regular stretching homework was completed in a timely fashion, plus extracurricular classes in Strength and TrX

Next Year’s Plans
No exams have been entered yet, but a 2 day cycle sportive in the Highlands should allow Jules’s cycle study progress to be evaluated. An ice swim relay of 50m in 4C Loch Tay in March may come as a cool, sharp shock to his system.
Jules really needs to work on his run speed as this has been lacking in recent months

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Time for you to share your end-of-year report from Fetcheveryone Comprehensive, “A Donation-funded...

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