Jul 2023
8:22pm, 14 Jul 2023
20,612 posts
"My physics didn’t go past school but isn’t there something about wave-particle duality?"
Yes. On a quantum scale, particles and waves are the same thing.
So light is simultaneously a wave of energy and also a particle (photon).
However sound waves are not the same as they're compression waves from air molecules bumping into each other (hence speed of sound under water is much faster than it is in air - and travels further)
Jul 2023
8:28pm, 14 Jul 2023
20,613 posts
The classic way of showing wave-particle duality is the double slit experiment where if you shine light a set of double slits of the right size and spacing, you set up a classic interference pattern as would be expected from waves, but if you do a particle impact pattern you see them build up the interference pattern.
So simultaneously a wave and a particle. or more precisely, at the quantum scale they're the same thing and the problem is the classical mechanics is not sufficient to explain quantum behaviour.
Jul 2023
8:34pm, 14 Jul 2023
20,614 posts
"Playing a bit fast and loose with the word "Joy" there aren't ya, Fozzy?"
No! Because it explains from first principles how temperature, pressure, kinetic energy etc etc are all related and only needs straightforward classical mechanics to explain - and it's quite short, yet explains loads of useful everyday concepts that we are familiar with and how what they actually mean physically.
I think it's about a lecture and a half of material at most from memory. And thats me teaching it, so I'm sure there's a 20min YouTube video that explains it all more efficiently than me, with better graphics and animations
Jul 2023
9:20pm, 14 Jul 2023
4 posts
science is so sexy!
Jul 2023
1:05pm, 15 Jul 2023
2,550 posts
It's all knit one purl one to me ...
Jul 2023
1:52pm, 20 Jul 2023
2,708 posts
Remember all that money from the government that we got? £67 or something per month. Do we need to pay that back at some point?
Jul 2023
1:54pm, 20 Jul 2023
106,888 posts
I seem to remember we do... But I sort of lost track of what was and wasn't a loan. At the time I could have afforded the £67. Now it would bankrupt me if I had to pay it back.
Jul 2023
1:54pm, 20 Jul 2023
25,245 posts
Directly no. Indirectly yes
Jul 2023
2:20pm, 20 Jul 2023
2,709 posts
Yes, I remember a loan was spoken about. Can't remember if this is it or not.
Jul 2023
3:18pm, 20 Jul 2023
47,319 posts
It's through levy on everyone's bills isn't it? Maybe onto the standing charge? G