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Elderly parents or relatives to care for and/or worry about? This is the place for you.

1 lurker | 146 watchers
Feb 2020
12:46pm, 20 Feb 2020
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Little Miss Happy
It's not just a perception TR - we've been told that they are arguing about who is liable for how much.
Feb 2020
1:33pm, 20 Feb 2020
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Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
LMH we had this with MiL a while back - all the different departments don’t talk to each other -not even the two sets of social workers involved.

And as MiL has local authority tenancy protection there is no incentive to sort out the longer term care as it is cheaper to keep sending her home to a house with 4 bedrooms even though she hasn’t seen the upstairs for a year - they just increase the number of care workers/visits on each hospital release.
Feb 2020
7:51pm, 20 Feb 2020
18,765 posts
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It's insane :( The system doesn't work. Your poor FiL and MiL LMH :(
Feb 2020
7:53pm, 20 Feb 2020
11,941 posts
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Awful ☹️
Feb 2020
8:00pm, 20 Feb 2020
15,144 posts
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I'm so sorry, it's awful. We suffered similar with dad - despite not being funded - so it's not just the cash that stops the depts talking to each other or agreeing on what to do. I hope that the issue gets ironed out and sorted sooner rather than later.

FiL is the latest issue, in hospital after a "funny turn" in Tesco, low blood pressure, low blood volume but tests and cameras etc are not showing why. He called me earlier, thinking that a text from husband's mobile was a missed call from him at home - so now he's confused as he's not had an issue working the mobile before.
Feb 2020
9:08am, 21 Feb 2020
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My aunt has had cancer for a while now and has been getting worse - we thought she might not make Christmas. Her husband has been ill for 7 years but not getting any worse, not getting any better. Two of their daughters are more or less there 24/7 for them.
We've been expecting to hear any day now that my aunt has passed. It turns out that my uncle had a stroke last night and his life support is being switched off this morning.
I can't begin to imagine what my cousins are going through. :-(
Feb 2020
9:14am, 21 Feb 2020
11,974 posts
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Sorry to hear that RH. Oh dear...that is tough minardi. :(
Feb 2020
9:30am, 21 Feb 2020
45,325 posts
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Worrying, Rosehip :( And so many things can make a person of A Certain Age become muddled. Just as well he's somewhere he can have tests done with minimal (additional) upheaval. Do the ward staff know he's doing uncharacteristically confused things?

Minardi, how hard for all of you :(
Feb 2020
9:46am, 21 Feb 2020
2,946 posts
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Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
Sorry to hear that RH, hopefully they will get to the bottom of it, and he isn’t so muddled.

Minardi, that is really tough on everyone. Life can be so cruel.

My Mum now appears to be having a long list of tests done so hopefully we will have some answers soon. They are certain that she has had a TIA at some point and her slurred speech has returned again, and so has the ability to pronounce certain words or finish sentences - although this could also be the Alzheimer’s. She has had her head MRI done, plus bloods to check various things including the impact on her diabetes and is being wired up for a week to monitor the low bp and erratic pulse. She has also received an appointment for the cardiologist. It’s all go but I am glad that things are now happening.
Feb 2020
9:50am, 21 Feb 2020
56 posts
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So sorry to hear everyone's current and ongoing issues.

I'd just like to say what a life saver/sanity ssver this thread has been. Many of the issues with departments not talking/giving different info/being stuck in hospital while they argue have affected us of lately. We though it was just us so coming here and reading others stories while disheartening in one respect has made me feel like I'm less alone it in all.

About This Thread

Maintained by LindsD
I thought I'd start a thread, as lots of us have elderly folks that we worry about/care for.

Useful info for after someone dies here (with thanks to grast_girl)

Other useful links



Who pays for residential care? Information here:


Advice on care homes and payment/funding


Also: After someone dies, if their home insurance was only in their name, sadly the cover becomes void. But if the policy was in joint names, it will still cover the surviving policyholder (though the names on the policy will need to be updated).

A useful book of exercises for memory loss and dementia

Pension Credit. The rules are a bit complex but if your elderly relative has some sort of disability (in this case dementia/Alzheimer's) and go into a home, they may be able to claim pension credit. So if carers allowance stops, it seems pension credit can start. It can also be backdated.

Fall alarm company, etc.


Useful Links

FE accepts no responsibility for external links. Or anything, really.

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  • age
  • family
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