Edinburgh Marathon Festival 2014

1 lurker | 49 watchers
May 2014
1:09pm, 4 May 2014
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Calf issues that have plagued my training seem to finally be resolving themselves! Several weeks too late for me to do anything particularly constructive about finishing the marathon anywhere near my estimate but I should manage to arrive on the start line in one piece at least!

3 weeks to go! I'm hoping for weather like last year. Warm but not hot... nice wee gentle breeze coming in off the sea. Perfect.
May 2014
1:48pm, 4 May 2014
1,526 posts
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Weather like today would be perfect.
May 2014
5:28pm, 4 May 2014
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I've managed a run today but considering the inconceivable amount of phlegm coming out of my head still I capped it at 16km. Hoping that next weekend I can do a decent long run and start the official taper.
May 2014
5:42pm, 4 May 2014
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Scooba Steve
Got my number for the half, really looking forward to it as coming off the back of Paris full it's the first time I've been properly 'trained' and ready for a good run in the half.10 mile today at my target pace of 8.45 was really enjoyable so looking for a big PB of 1.55 or even a bit less, would be almost 10 minutes off.

Good luck to everyone for the last few weeks.
May 2014
6:06pm, 4 May 2014
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Thanks nelski, managed a great time too (for me!) do v happy, and yes overcast would be good #gingerproblems
May 2014
8:09pm, 4 May 2014
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Got my number yesterday, had my final (and longest) long run today - 36km. Looks like this thing is on.

Upgraded from a Regent road to a London Road start this year, so if I break the world record by some fluke it should stand ;)

Here's hoping for a nice cool day.
May 2014
8:27pm, 4 May 2014
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Scooba Steve
Is there anywhere that lists the time targets for London/Regent road and the different colours for the half? i'm in yellow which looks to be at the back on regent road with predicted time of 1.54.
May 2014
1:39pm, 6 May 2014
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Got excited by getting number last week and planned a last long run of 20 for the bank holiday. Cruely scuppered by painful knee/ITB at 5 miles so decided to call it quits and skulked back to the car....

Determined not to do myself in before the big day so barring pakrruns and physio I think I'm about as ready as i'll ever be. Good luck to everyone and hope the weather is friendly
May 2014
6:40pm, 6 May 2014
125 posts
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Not got my race number for the half yet :-/
May 2014
7:21pm, 6 May 2014
4,179 posts
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Is anyone else feeling like their wheels came off? :-O I'm trying to give myself a serious pep talk but it's not working. I think being ill combined with mental lethargy has left me a little less than excited about running a marathon at this point. Shameful :-(

About This Thread

Maintained by Mave
Signed up to EMF marathon last night. Anyone else doing it? Or one of the other EMF races?


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