May 2014
9:12pm, 10 May 2014
202 posts
Lanacane usually works for me - but I might give Bodyglide a try, since I did pick up some Kilt chaff on the Rome marathon in spite of being lubed up on Lanacane.
Heading for an early night now - want to get up with the light in the morning to get the last long slow run done and dusted. Woo-hoo!
May 2014
1:42pm, 11 May 2014
1,549 posts
Did 10 in the end today, not 15. No-one felt up for it, me included, and i should really respect the taper.
May 2014
1:53pm, 11 May 2014
1,550 posts
Finally caught up on your Rome blog Nelski! Excellent first marathon. I would say I'll keep an eye out for you if you're in the kilt, but for an Edinburg Marathon, i expect there may be a few!
May 2014
2:50pm, 11 May 2014
33 posts
Slow 12 this morning with no problems and even dirtied up my new trainers so I don't look a pratt on the start line.
May 2014
7:53pm, 11 May 2014
429 posts
Scooba Steve
I know most on the thread are doing the full mara but I'm really looking forward to the half, going for a pretty big PB and had a good 10 miler today at 8.33 pace which has given me a big boost and looking now for 10 minute PB!
good luck everyone and to the full mara runners respect that taper!
May 2014
8:24pm, 11 May 2014
80 posts
Last medium long one today, 13 miles at progressive pace coming in slightly slower than target MP average.
Feeling stronger than this time last year with more miles & the confidence of the D33 ultra under my belt.
This is the one I'm going under that elusive 3:15 barrier😄
May 2014
8:04am, 12 May 2014
1,551 posts
Some top time targets there! Good luck!
May 2014
9:31pm, 13 May 2014
430 posts
Scooba Steve
Just booked campsite! Yes, camping before the half - practice run for camping before Amsterdam mara later this year, booked Park & Ride tickets too.
Really looking forward to this one now, especially plenty of beers afterwards!
May 2014
4:59pm, 15 May 2014
6 posts
all gone well up until Monday - ping! groin strain. Been icing, resting etc.
Gutted as was on for my first sub 4 - oh well, 10 days more rest, couple of loose easy runs and I'll still be there and will still finish hopefully.
May 2014
8:55pm, 15 May 2014
204 posts
Thanks Mave. There'll be a few kilties, nae doot.
Sorry to hear about your ping Gigembre. You'll get there, nae doot anaw. I've a 10K event this Saturday and I was going to push it a bit, but I'm wary now. Sense'll prevail.