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Edinburgh Marathon 2012

53 watchers
May 2012
4:46pm, 28 May 2012
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Gosford House in the sun has been the undoing of many an edinburgh marathon. Yesterday was my best experience of Gosford House in 6 attempts...
May 2012
5:04pm, 28 May 2012
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Same here Baz. I actually couldn't believe it when I saw the gate back on to the road as the last time I ran it felt about 3 times as long and difficult. Just cruised through this time and I had picked my pace up by this point.
May 2012
5:07pm, 28 May 2012
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Metal Martin
Well, given the injury problems I had in the week and the heat yesterday I am so chuffed with 4.52. It's a bit slower than I wanted - but we guessed that would happen. I was in a mess at the 25 mile point, but the mighty Sabaton (metal band btw) on my iPod saw me through. I totally, shut myself off and let the music fire me up. Didn't notice or listen to the crowds coming in and must have looked soooo aggressive, but it worked (photos will be fun!!). Half Marathon time was 2.15 - we planned for that with the expectation that the heat would be higher in the second half. We were told during the race that the temperature got up to over 26degrees.

Thought the organisation was good except for toilets at the start (not enough urinals!!) and the ludicrous 10 mile hike to buses afterwards (seemed like 10 miles anyway).

And yes, the medal looks like a penis.
May 2012
6:47pm, 28 May 2012
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The organisation was excellent really impressed. Crew and spectator support was really good. Always a sunny and sweaty marathon, but i do love it third time i have run it. Not sure about the new end.

Bus hike lol ;-) They said 15 mins !!!

Medal not the most attractive prefer the ones with the castle. Note to self if your gonna wear a kilt to at a scottish marathon dont wear it at Edinburgh its always gonna be warm one. Thanks for the support along the way.

Well Done everyone who finished and those whogot injured happy healing
May 2012
6:54pm, 28 May 2012
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DNF. I stopped at 12 and a half miles and was resting before heading back to the finish area. I saw the leaders coming though and they were working hard but really flying. A couple of my friends spotted me and got me going again but everything was hurting. I stopped at the half-way point because I really didn't want to wreck my summer. I hadn't recovered from London and my feet and ankles were screaming at me. I could blame the weather but the truth is that my heart just wasn't in it. It was a race too many. I should have transferred to the half and enjoyed a blast in what seemed like really good conditions earlier in the day.

Well done to the heroes who finished. They really ought to sing songs about you.
May 2012
7:12pm, 28 May 2012
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Finished yesterday in 04:11:10 and given the weather conditions and the state of my feet I shouldn't be too unhappy about it. Second time at Edinburgh and not so sure about returning as getting from the finish back to the city is a bloody nightmare. Need to take care of my feet now only two weeks to my next race!!!
May 2012
7:13pm, 28 May 2012
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Ian, thanks for the pics and to you and Lorraine for the shout out - much needed and appreciated!
May 2012
7:15pm, 28 May 2012
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It was too hot yesterday. I think everyone from up here will be the same in that all their training was done in the cold and the wet. It's been at least nine months since I ran in heat like that (In fact, I know when it was. It was the great scottish run, and I crashed and burned in that). If it wasn't for a mate running with me I wouldn't have made it round in anywhere near the time I did.
Still, 4:27 for a first marathon in that heat is very pleasing. And I'm now scouring the internet for my next one - hopefully in a cooler month.
May 2012
7:18pm, 28 May 2012
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The Rentboy
For any runner looking for Lothian Buses yesterday. All you had to do was walk to Newbigging to get a number 30 back to city centre.
The 26's and 44's were diverted along the by-pass from Eastfield and came back into play at Wallyford, a 15 minute walk away.
First Bus had the contract for the runners shuttle bus service so Lothian Buses HAD to stay away.

All the info was on Lothian Buses website.
That is all ;)
May 2012
7:57pm, 28 May 2012
345 posts
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LRT buses are great Rentboy, best drivers!! Well done you btw, well impressed with your time in that heat. Sorry I never said hi to you now JaneyM, you were just always that wee bit ahead of me when I spotted you and I couldn't chase yesterday:)

Took my medal and wore my t-shirt to school today and all the kids thought the medal looked like a willie and were more impressed by my glow in the dark sunburn than the fact that I'd done a marathon, ruddy kids;) Also swore to the wee lass who gave me a leg massage in the Macmillan tent that it was my first and last marathon but as I came downstairs on my backside this morning I was thinking 'wonder how I'd do in a cooler one?', this site breeds madness!!!!!!!!!

About This Thread

Maintained by Metal Martin
Just wondered if anyone else was doing Edinburgh Marathon next year? My second time (did it in 2008.


Saturday 26th May - 6pm - Vittoria's, George IV Bridge - Table booked under the name of Fetch

Organiser/Person to bother with questions/(Almost) Birthday Girl: McNewbie

Upstairs in "The Wash Bar" 11 - 13 North Bank Street, The Mound, Edinburgh. Room available from 15.00 'til close, so arrive whenever you are ready.

Ideally located for Waverley Railway Station, and for the tourists (me!) Edinburgh Castle! Come and take the weight off your feet, meet new and old Fetchies, get something to eat and rehydrate.

Everyone welcome.

Enquiries to SpeedyMel

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