Mar 2012
9:00am, 29 Mar 2012
14,131 posts
Ultra Kazzaaaaah!!
That's ok Bru, we multi-marathoners can hack it
Mar 2012
9:11am, 29 Mar 2012
26,352 posts
Foxy Davy
we get free midweek 5kms with chip timing - 3 different courses rotating - forgot there was one last night.
Park run is what you make it - you can use it as a race, training, time trial whatever you wish - I have been using it for my proggressive runs lately.
The only 5km I would actually pay for is the Marston Forest 5km put on by Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers in June - had me a PB at 5km on a friday night 20.02 & the day after a marathon PW of 6.36 !!!
Mar 2012
9:26am, 29 Mar 2012
3,860 posts
For me parkrun is just other hard session in my training week if i do it. When I go to a paid 5km race, there is a racing atmosphere there unlike parkrun.
Saying that I travel 30miles (round trip but do so for track sessions and longruns aswell) to do parkrun, as i would push myself that bit more and I 'may' have a little company.
Good for the mental side of running becuase of running fast alone, and good for help predict form and race times a short time after
Mar 2012
9:44am, 29 Mar 2012
1,685 posts
There are a few clubby 5ks in the evenings in the Midlands over the summer, the rest are Sunday charity type ones. I think it is very important to support these races too. However as several have already said, if it wasn't for ParkRuns I wouldn't be doing that many 5Ks. 5K was a distance I used to hate, now I would go so far as to say I quite like it.
It is an interesting point legs not being awake in the morning. Recent PB @ Cannon Hill was done after a 2 mile WU. I always do a WU/WD for a 5K. I would be interested to go and do an later/evening 5K on the same course if there ever was one and compare times, or the Serpie one if in London.
Mar 2012
9:50am, 29 Mar 2012
26,356 posts
Foxy Davy
AlanR - at the front of our park run here there's a racing atmosphere
Mar 2012
10:06am, 29 Mar 2012
11,223 posts
I'm never at the front but it still feels like a race, admittedly only between me and the middling people around the same pace as me
It's amazing how important it can feel to move up a place, especially if it's a gender place (my highest so far is 4th!).
Mar 2012
10:16am, 29 Mar 2012
5,939 posts
My highest position is 2nd...
or rather it would have been if I was a woman. When you include the men I was a bit further down the rankings (not many women ran that week!)
Mar 2012
10:55am, 29 Mar 2012
3,861 posts
FD - Lots of racing behind me, but on most occasions its a club mate running sub16, then myself running sub17 then lots of racing in and around 17.30 on back. So I dont get the race atmosphere, I get the time trial.
Mar 2012
11:04am, 29 Mar 2012
587 posts
I just let the others run off on Park Run, and I amble around chatting to Fetchies. 9am is too early for me to be racing. I've barely woken up!
Mar 2012
12:16pm, 29 Mar 2012
73 posts
I'm yet to run a non-Parkrun 5k but I'd like to as they don't show in your 'pb' section on Power of 10.