Mar 2018
5:04pm, 24 Mar 2018
8,428 posts
Little Nemo
You weren't doing one of those weird Sainsbury's ads were you, LD?
Well done everyone for parkrun PBs and RDing!
I'm jealous of people with lovely weather. I went for a post-pilates walk and I was bloody freezing. Lesson was OK, not too difficult and the teacher was nice so I might make it a regular session. I'm trying yoga next week for comparison.
Mar 2018
6:26pm, 24 Mar 2018
5,297 posts
I'm a bit jealous of people being outside. Somehow it's got to 6.30 and I've not been outside other than to put the bin out.
Got a newt audiobook though, and trying a newt to me gin
Mar 2018
6:32pm, 24 Mar 2018
25,407 posts
For those of you jealous of outdoor activities in lovely weather I can tell you it's a bit nippy out there now. I went without gloves and it was a mistake.
Mar 2018
6:37pm, 24 Mar 2018
38,013 posts
When Tink was a tot she used to sing in Sainsbury's. She'd sit in the child seat on the trolley and belt out "There were Ten in the Bed" and when we got to the bakery counter whoever was working there would go, "Awww, adorable," and give her a cookie or a muffin.
Mar 2018
6:38pm, 24 Mar 2018
25,408 posts
She clearly knew how to work the crowd V.
Mar 2018
7:24pm, 24 Mar 2018
21,915 posts
Damn. I wish I'd tried that today V'rap
Lots of good newts today.
Mar 2018
8:54pm, 24 Mar 2018
21,207 posts
We sang “girl from ipanima” in a lift when some people got in today as the silence seemed awkward
Mar 2018
2:23pm, 25 Mar 2018
40,702 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
Lol Doc
Mar 2018
2:23pm, 25 Mar 2018
40,703 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
First magnolias spotted today on the IoW! *happy sigh*
Mar 2018
3:19pm, 25 Mar 2018
22,279 posts
I said I couldn't do something when actually I just didn't want to. I don't think I've done that before. It feels odd. And I think the person who is doing it instead of me isn't speaking to me now. But it's worth it.