Feb 2018
6:16pm, 17 Feb 2018
3,514 posts
Alice the Camel
We are, LD, but we found when we lived in Belgium Carnival often lasted all week!
Incidentally, they call feb half term krokusvacantie, isn’t that appropriate?
Feb 2018
6:26pm, 17 Feb 2018
13,044 posts
What a lovely name for half term!
Feb 2018
6:31pm, 17 Feb 2018
13,045 posts
My newt is a bit odd:
I asked a pharmacist, like you're supposed to but I never have. In Dalston's busy Superdrug I actually said, 'Is it possiblt to speak to the pharmacist please?' It was, I did and she was very knowledgeable and helpful.
And the second health proffessional to go on at me about probiotics! The healthy gut flora message seems to be getting through. (I'm pretty sure my insides are generally crawling with healthy bacteria the amount and variety of vegetables and fermented stuff I eat, but I do know antibiotics zap away at everything willy nilly. Well I know now!)
Feb 2018
6:43pm, 17 Feb 2018
8,914 posts
That’s an interesting and very useful newt.
My newt was a lunch out with the lovely Fetchie, EvilPixie, we had a very healthy lunch at the spa where she has gym membership. It was lovely.
Feb 2018
6:46pm, 17 Feb 2018
30,417 posts
Pharmacists are pretty good and helpful
Feb 2018
7:08pm, 17 Feb 2018
21,508 posts
I hope the pharmacist was also reassuring about the soon-to-disappear (I hope) massive blobbins, Sharkie.
I'm pleased to hear that a Catholic country such as Spain puts off the sackcloth and ashes for as long as possible:-)
Feb 2018
7:58pm, 17 Feb 2018
40,165 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
Love the crocus half term
Feb 2018
9:35pm, 17 Feb 2018
25,180 posts
Some lovely newts today.
Today I visited my parents new house for the first time. We introduced nephew (3.10) to Star Wars for the first time and had our first light sabre battle.
Feb 2018
9:37pm, 17 Feb 2018
7,085 posts
Good Newt Sharkie - Did the pharmacist give you a Susan Carter-esque recommendation for Kefir?
Feb 2018
9:46pm, 17 Feb 2018
13,046 posts
I love the way she says kef-FEAR.
I have another small but pleasing newt: The first time an athletics meet I competed in being mentioned on national telly! It's the British Indoor Champs today and the commentator mentioned CJ Ujah getting a PB at Newham. 'My Sharkie was there!' Raffo told his computer (I was working on mine).