Mar 2021
8:19am, 24 Mar 2021
24,201 posts
Optician nearly talked me out of them with the potential issues but when I got my 1st pair they were half price so I got the expensive ones. Not sure if that's why I was OK but never had any issues
Mar 2021
8:27am, 24 Mar 2021
14,058 posts
I read my kindle fine I can make he text a bit bigger or lighten the screen. I can read my phone without too but it’s more of a challenge, it’s mostly for computers for work.
I’ve got books that I have been bought or ones I bought before reading a book was a problem and I’m struggling with those. It makes me sad my husband used to take photos of me in different places always with a book in my hand. He’s commented that he never sees me read now.
Maybe I try new varifocals as the optician said my distance vision has changed and would mean I could be ok seeing with them rather than better without.
Mar 2021
8:29am, 24 Mar 2021
24,203 posts
when I had my 1st pair I was told try for 30 days and if I didn't get on then they would exchange and refund the difference
Mar 2021
8:42am, 24 Mar 2021
11,470 posts
I was going to go two pairs of glasses rather than varifocals this time.but optician talked me out of it and glad he did, plus he said I would need 3 pairs of glasses not too. I wear mine all the time and for running and cycling, they are reactive ones to.
We don't have a bath, and i am not a bath lover but really have been wanting a good long soak lately
Mar 2021
8:53am, 24 Mar 2021
14,059 posts
I think they were ok at first pix I’ve had them about 4 years now I can read in them it’s distance so I still prefer to take them off. I also get sick of you need new prescription every 2 years it feels like a money making scheme than necessity. I only wear the contact for work and readers to do recipes etc but cheap ready readers which are probably not quite right neither.
I need to win the lottery. Replacement lenses that work forever would be my no 1 wishlist
Mar 2021
8:55am, 24 Mar 2021
31,627 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Going back to my post on page 313, I probably didn’t make it clear that as I was voted NEWT of the day the previous day I was awarding Fleecy and her spotting bats as the winner yesterday.
Congratulations Fleecy
Mar 2021
8:58am, 24 Mar 2021
20,459 posts
That’s a good choice, Mrs Jigs.
Mar 2021
9:00am, 24 Mar 2021
14,060 posts
Oh yes I love bats!! I really fell in love with Australian fruit bats
Mar 2021
9:11am, 24 Mar 2021
24,206 posts
Oh Oh
My newt ...... for the first time in forever I did a run (a whole hour) to HR without walking (apart from when I let a car cross in front of me)
Mar 2021
9:16am, 24 Mar 2021
14,302 posts
Excellent, Pix.