Mar 2020
2:23pm, 4 Mar 2020
26,357 posts
Just been to Sainsburys - no soap, no paracetamol or ibuprofen, no bread flour, very little other flour, no big packs of pasta or rice, only small packs of porridge oats. Fortunately none of those were on my list. Our Sainsburys has terrible stock control and there are frequently gaps on the shelves, but I suspect CV has more to do with today‘s gaps
Mar 2020
2:30pm, 4 Mar 2020
15,821 posts
No cheap tomato ketchup in my 'Brys! Disastro! Otherwise looked normal here in Dalston.
And I feel cross about all the pics of tube travellers with face masks... the photographers havev sought them out. I was in central London on Monday evening, used Oxford Circus and Warren street tubes, busy Victoria tube in the rush hour - walked through West End with Linds and didn't see a SINGLE face mask.
Mar 2020
2:55pm, 4 Mar 2020
83 posts
I think people need to get a grip of reality. 40 odd cases in a couple of weeks is hardly the end of the world as we know it. Even if 4% (current death rate estimate) is a little over 1 person expected to die - 1 person in 75 million! I know no one wants to be the 1 person but I think we need to get things in perspective. Also, surely if this virus was as virulent as we are told how come still less than 100 cases diagnosed?
Mar 2020
2:56pm, 4 Mar 2020
84 posts
Meanwhile - stockmarket plummeted last week, Brexit still a mess ann that doesnt get a mention - distraction techniques anyone....
Mar 2020
3:09pm, 4 Mar 2020
6,021 posts
Northern Exile
The stockmarket has had a minor rebound this week. The FTSE 100 is still under 7,000 though, likewise the 250 is around 19,700. It will take some time to recover to levels of a few weeks back.
Mar 2020
3:24pm, 4 Mar 2020
6,526 posts
It's now 85 cases, doubling in 2 days....
Mar 2020
3:25pm, 4 Mar 2020
4,103 posts
The how to wash your hands guide have popped up everywhere. The guide says use a single use hand towel. Our office doesn’t provide single use hand towels. It’s either a dyson thingy or loo roll.
Mar 2020
3:26pm, 4 Mar 2020
6,527 posts
People have indeed noticed that the UK has suddenly pulled out of the EU early warning and response system for public health, even while still entitled to membership benefits...
...but 52% voted for it, so it has to be done and to hell with the consequences.
Mar 2020
3:52pm, 4 Mar 2020
85 posts
So 0.0001% of the population
Mar 2020
4:00pm, 4 Mar 2020
1,353 posts
JR - I think it may be you who is deluded. The chief medical officer has clearly stated that 'up to 80% of the population' could become infected. Now, to be clear, that's the absolute worst case scenario, but if you think only 1 person will die then you are definitely wrong unfortunately.