Jul 2020
7:36am, 14 Jul 2020
35,577 posts
I don't THINK the shop workers have to wear masks?
We've had face covering rule in shops for a while. Staff are NOT wearing them in shops I went to. Just customers. Staff are behind screens at tills but no masks. Inc floor walkers. That was Sainsbury, Asda, Aldi and corner shop/ PO.
No complaint here. All seems sensible and for the sake of an hour while shopping it's not too hard.
Jul 2020
7:45am, 14 Jul 2020
568 posts
I will wear a mask in a shop if it means that the staff who are there all day don’t have to. Perhaps the reason for mandating mask wearing now is an extra safeguard because we are mixing so much more now? On buses, trains, pubs, restaurants, shops etc, and the 2m rule has been amended to 1m+. There wouldn’t have been much point when everything was shut, key workers only on buses etc. EP, I just heard the expert interviewed on Radio 4; she was very careful to say that the 100k+ deaths was a result of the model but not a prediction. We do indeed need jda or Canute to explain the difference to us😊.
Jul 2020
7:47am, 14 Jul 2020
17,958 posts
NR I know it's a model! but JDA has done some great modelling himself so I was wondering what model he would come up with :-D
Not seen shop workers in masks either - I guess if we wear them it means they don't have to as we are indeed mixing more (well I'm not but then that's my choice!)
Jul 2020
7:52am, 14 Jul 2020
35,600 posts
Seeing how much busier the shops are and how poor the social distancing has become in the shops I'm quite happy with the introduction of face coverings while shopping.
Jul 2020
7:58am, 14 Jul 2020
7,863 posts
That calculation seems to be the result of just plugging in R=1.7 to see what happens. They do say that if R went higher, they would expect further clampdown of some sort to mitigate. I don’t think there is any particular reason why they chose that value, other than perhaps that it’s about the limit that they think the NHS might bear. It’s an entirely political decision as to what controls are imposed of course.
The pictures are worth looking at in the lengthy report if nothing else - the next wave (under these assumption) dwarfs what we’ve been through already.
Jul 2020
7:58am, 14 Jul 2020
2,694 posts
Tim of Fife
In shops near me, staff (including those shelf filling and so not behind flexi) aren't masked. But customers are.
From what I have seen on the media, pubs and cafes are the reverse. Staff masked. Punters not so.
Jul 2020
8:02am, 14 Jul 2020
18,452 posts
It’s about cases starting to creep up isn’t it? So face coverings hope to reduce risk of one area where a mix of people go and to those subject to many low level interactions in particular ie shop workers. But gyms swimming pools clubs restaurants bars pubs - they open with different measures in place because otherwise they won’t open at all. And they’ll be the first to shut down if it really takes a hold again. But with local restrictions first
I don’t think these new rules are about limiting risk per se but about limiting risk where it has minimum economic impact
Jul 2020
8:09am, 14 Jul 2020
7,864 posts
Yes I think that’s right. We have little chance of approaching normality if we don’t take every reasonable action to minimise risks in the things that we do.
Jul 2020
8:23am, 14 Jul 2020
11,504 posts
It's a compensating balance - add more mixing, add more controls. Keeping that balanced.
The interesting one now is how schools etc will react following this - if it is a criminal offence not to wear a face covering whilst you're in a shop for 15 minutes, what about a school pupil in the same room as the teacher for hours at a time? What about adult learners in colleges, apprentices taking day release courses, university students etc etc? The logic is broadly the same - long periods of occupancy, minimise risks of onward transmission from asymptomatic (or early symptomatic) individuals.
Jul 2020
8:24am, 14 Jul 2020
42,182 posts
Lip Gloss
I would say the couple of shops I've been in since Friday the staff were masked up as well.
Think it's daft about the pubs not being masked up though.
Don't think it's too late to start wearing them - there are more people out and about now compared to even 2 months ago so more need to keep safe.