Coronavirus **support** thread
1 lurker |
161 watchers
Jul 2020
8:27am, 14 Jul 2020
17,959 posts
LG you can't drink with a mask which I guess is why the staff are masked up Should office workers returning wear masks too? |
Jul 2020
8:30am, 14 Jul 2020
11,505 posts
If the logic is about not passing it on, then it makes sense in pubs etc not to discourage face coverings, doesn't it? You sit there with your covering on, the food arrives, you pull down the covering thus touching the precise area where any "captured" virus has been held and prevented from flying around the room. You do that every time you take a sip of wine etc etc. Then you touch the chair, the table, the cutlery, the glasses, the payment machine, the toilet door, the menu etc etc. Thus spreading those well captured virus particles around and about. Presumably that is more risky than simply feeling well, sitting in a pub or restaurant eating and chatting. In the shop environment there should be no need to touch your face covering thus that manual transmission can't happen. (Of course, from a purely "risk based" approach to avoiding catching it, just don't go to the pub or restaurant - that's fairly easily done. But going to at least some shops is essential) |
Jul 2020
8:34am, 14 Jul 2020
7,865 posts
Shopping is much more mixing with random strangers and also less of an imposition cos you’re in there for a shorter time. But it’s a fine judgement and I’m sure people will reasonably disagree about where to draw the line.
Jul 2020
8:39am, 14 Jul 2020
10,760 posts
They are making noises in my company that we may be back in September I really don’t want to go, not for fear of infection just much prefer working from home now. Hoping if we do it’s part time with home working staying too. I u swear and the people on site are keeping 2m distance, where not possible they are wearing masks. |
Jul 2020
8:47am, 14 Jul 2020
3,305 posts
The thought of having to wear something over my face gives me anxiety
Jul 2020
8:50am, 14 Jul 2020
35,603 posts
There is a link in the sidebar about face mask anxiety
Jul 2020
9:15am, 14 Jul 2020
2,695 posts
Tim of Fife
Don't go non-essential shops. Don't go to restaurants, bars and cafes. Don't go to the office or workplace. Don't use a train or bus. Don't meet anyone. Don't touch anything. Don't go anywhere without mask, gloves, antisceptic wipes and sanitisers. Don't live. Just exist.
Jul 2020
9:19am, 14 Jul 2020
11,506 posts
You're right Tim in the medium term. And a lot will depend on your time of life etc - but I'm happy to give up 12 months or so of "normality" so that we collectively have a higher chance of normality returning, rather than eagerly return to what was normal and find ourselves living in a less-normal world and society for a longer period of time.
Jul 2020
9:59am, 14 Jul 2020
20,196 posts
I've recently been thinking about the point larkim just made. Specifically, the incredible short-termism shown by a lot of people. Have we really become such a society of children, unable to deal with the fact that some things maybe can't be dealt in weeks, or even months? That sometimes, we actually do have to wait? Or even do without? For a bit of perspective, WW2 lasted nearly six years. It's been under four months since our (limited) lockdown started. And things been chang rapidly all through that time. For the large majority, we haven't actually been shut in for months on end. |
Jul 2020
10:05am, 14 Jul 2020
30,441 posts
Found this interesting regarding immunity. Positive test, negative test then a positive within about 3 weeks. Is the negative test likely to have been a false negative? |
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