Coronavirus **support** thread
2 lurkers |
161 watchers
Jul 2020
6:16pm, 13 Jul 2020
10,745 posts
We have a gin bar in Durham it is tiny 2 staff and max 2 tables of 2 indoors they have 2 outdoor tables for 2 as well. Sadly I can’t see them surviving. As for face masks I have always said I would wear it if I couldn’t keep a safe distance. I do worry that it will remain normal and I don’t want to risk it spreading to being outdoors but I am powerless to influence what will or won’t be mandated or guided and will continue to keep me & therefore my bubble safe. |
Jul 2020
6:23pm, 13 Jul 2020
16,196 posts
I had my first mask/face covering experience today travelllng on a mainline train from the coast to London Bridge - then onto a tube and then the Lonodon overground. Train was very empty most of the journey so mask dangling from one ear (hope that was ok, there was no-one else in the carriage) The tube was the least pleasant but although I was very conscious of the mask I'll get used to it I'm sure. However I'm now aware that I need to find something comfortable and correctly fitting, hard not to constantly adjust - one size disposable not quite right for me. |
Jul 2020
6:28pm, 13 Jul 2020
35,575 posts
Was everyone else on tube wearing the face covering Sharkie?
Jul 2020
6:28pm, 13 Jul 2020
7,862 posts
Tim, the virus seems close to “going away” in Scotland and although the govt we are currently stuck with south of the border seems ideologically opposed to competence, they might get there once they’ve exhausted all the alternatives. Most other developed countries are increasingly returning to normal, though it will take vigilance and competence to maintain it. Cases are still stubbornly high for the last few days. No decline over the past week or so. |
Jul 2020
6:32pm, 13 Jul 2020
2,692 posts
Tim of Fife
I've got some of the black driver masks coming from Williams Racing Formula 1. The car design may be atrocious, but the masks look cool.
Jul 2020
6:35pm, 13 Jul 2020
16,197 posts
Yep, Happy G, I didn't see anyone without. Tube was not packed - midday central London. Over the entire two and a half hour journey (just a bit longer than normal) I noticed two or three 'bad' wearers - mask just over mouth. Most people compliant. Pity the English government are unable to give clear guidance. To put it very mildly. |
Jul 2020
6:37pm, 13 Jul 2020
17,955 posts
Some of the workers on the farm that is supposed to be in lockdown have gone awol
Jul 2020
6:44pm, 13 Jul 2020
503 posts
forest plodder
GG with only 4 tables of two in total, it seems quite surprising the gin bar was a successful business before. Nice to see and hear junior football back in session on the rec behind our house. |
Jul 2020
10:33pm, 13 Jul 2020
10,753 posts
Look like is mandatory then good job I have a buff addiction! Coronavirus: Face coverings in England's shops to be compulsory from 24 July |
Jul 2020
10:34pm, 13 Jul 2020
10,754 posts
Feels like after the horse has bolted but if it allows us to get some kind of normal future then fingers crossed. I will have to master my drop kick as experience says people wearing face coverings think it’s ok to stand too close and brush past you 🤬
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