Jan 2021
10:16pm, 27 Jan 2021
4,665 posts
run free
Actually larkim - who ever arrives to these shores go straight out into the community and "potentially" become spreaders as they use public transportation or other means to get to where ever they've got to isolate. I have also been told of students who didn't isolate after getting back from where ever.
Jan 2021
10:28pm, 27 Jan 2021
3,246 posts
Tim of Fife
Ironic that Boris can travel from London to Scotland for a photo opportunity. Yet, I can be charged for taking a train across the Forth Bridge for a chabge of scenery.
Jan 2021
10:30pm, 27 Jan 2021
13,266 posts
I said months ago birders should have been closed and got told why it wasn’t practical- while for some limited reasons I get it but allowing people out and in for holidays was madness esp with no enforcement of isolation
But enforcement of rules is wha it’s really missing whether it’s returning from overseas or not wearing a mask. I do also think we need a curfew but again what’s the point when no one will be checking or enforcing it.
Jan 2021
10:42pm, 27 Jan 2021
131 posts
I don't get the curfew idea, which France is persisting with. Surely it just condenses the day so more people go out in the daytime.
Jan 2021
10:42pm, 27 Jan 2021
2,401 posts
I never got the overseas curfews. What are they meant to be stopping when the pubs are shut?
Jan 2021
10:58pm, 27 Jan 2021
13,267 posts
A fair one for some places but seems there is a lot of issue in parks near where we live where there is large groups out drinking on an evening and I doubt socially distancing. It would stop people being at other peoples houses and wandering home - but then it does rely on police being out stopping them so he’s it won’t help an iota.
Jan 2021
2:20am, 28 Jan 2021
736 posts
Surely vaccines aren't totally devolved, in that they have to be ordered by the UK Government and rolled out. I'm not aware that Scotland, Wales and NI are doing their own separate deals with Pfizer and Astra Zeneca. So as the man 'in charge' he has a right to see how the roll out is going?
Jan 2021
7:03am, 28 Jan 2021
4,233 posts
Little Miss Happy
larkim - they were supposed to be now they won't have the option of deciding they don't have enough leave to take the extra time off or feel well so don't need to stay in. As has been said - it's enforcement that's been lacking.
Jan 2021
7:03am, 28 Jan 2021
7,789 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Drinking in a large group in the park is against the rules regardless of a curfew.
Jan 2021
7:17am, 28 Jan 2021
13,359 posts
Can't disagree that the quarantine stuff makes sense (though why only "red list" countries, when we didn't even know in our own country that a new variant was taking hold until it was already beyond the point of being controlled effectively; the same could happen in any country in the world) and strict enforcement seems sensible.
But it is out of kilter with the approach elsewhere throughout the country where enforcement is non-existent; that's what makes me cynical that the policy is as much directed by politics as it is by scientific validity. It could stop a brand new, super version of Covid 19 entering, but the domestic policiies and enforcements seem to provide as good a breeding ground for that super version and far far more opportunity for spread both in practical terms and in volue terms.
But then, I'd be happy with the military on the streets and checks on vehicles to determine whether journeys were essential, spot checks on businesses to ensure only truly non-WFH jobs are requiring attendance, more restrictions on retail click & collect etc. I'd rather be living under an authoritarian regime at the moment from the perspective of having confidence we'll get the virus well enough controlled.