Coronavirus discussion thread

136 watchers
Jan 2021
2:24pm, 22 Jan 2021
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It's certainly far too much hospital-acquired COVID, :) G, but it's completely different from, "If you go into hospital for any reason you've got a one-in-four chance of getting COVID." If THAT were the case, I suspect routine procedures would be completely off the agenda for safety reasons, not just scaled back to free up hospital capacity for COVID sufferers.
Jan 2021
2:32pm, 22 Jan 2021
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FiL has been in and out of hospital (in London) for the last year. Apart from one scare, where he misunderstood what he'd been told - he's managed to avoid it so far.

OTOH, I know of 4 elderly people who all tested positive after being taken to hospital for unrelated conditions -one scalding, two falls and a sever UTI) That's not to say they were first exposed in hospital, they may have gone in exposed but too early to have tested positive. All four were regularly doing their own shopping etc.

(I'm sure I've seen somewhere that signs in the elderly include confusion and clumsiness)
Jan 2021
2:36pm, 22 Jan 2021
37,228 posts
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Thanks for clarification V'rap. That may well have been the stat that the person (even the doctor?) was confusing it with (as indeed was I!). Thanks again. :-) G
Jan 2021
2:38pm, 22 Jan 2021
716 posts
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How did 400 people all think that going to a wedding was OK? I am struggling to understand the mentality of some people.
Jan 2021
2:43pm, 22 Jan 2021
7,982 posts
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Too Much Water
Stamford Hill is perhaps an area where for many people strict religious observation is above all over considerations. I drive through there sometimes and it’s quite a unique area even for London
Jan 2021
2:45pm, 22 Jan 2021
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The Rabbi condemned it but if it was a wedding (the actual service, not just some celebration / party after) was it officiated by a church official? I don't care what religion, but for any group that is a serious failing in judgement and leadership if there was someone official there from the church. I don't know the facts of the matter though, so it's question, not a statement.
Jan 2021
2:49pm, 22 Jan 2021
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Dalston, where I live, is less than three miles south of Stamford Hill in Hackney. I get regular news letters from Hackney Council and right through the pandemic the numbers have been higher up there. It's a pretty closed community. The numbers drove up Hackney's overall stats summat chronic and it was a bit of an issue earlier in the year.
Jan 2021
2:52pm, 22 Jan 2021
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Actually, for fairness, I should qualify that.^ It was DEFINITELY an issue last year, I don't know about now - but this latest incident aint going to help.
Jan 2021
3:35pm, 22 Jan 2021
4,203 posts
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Little Miss Happy
Rosehip - you are correct, the elderly can present atypically with confusion being one of the symptoms.
Jan 2021
3:39pm, 22 Jan 2021
19,401 posts
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- so I'm not wrong in thinking they could be admitted for doing something daft (like pouring a kettle of water on their hand instead of into their mug) and test negative - for whatever reason - then test +ve while in hospital. That's not going to help the "hospital acquired" numbers.

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Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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