Coronavirus discussion thread

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Nov 2020
10:05pm, 1 Nov 2020
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I'm hoping for less traffic, but not expecting it.
Nov 2020
10:26pm, 1 Nov 2020
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Tim of Fife
Hopefully, everyone in England will be allowed to exercise where and when they want.
Nov 2020
10:29pm, 1 Nov 2020
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Traffic here has been massively down in the mornings, even when schools were open. The town has three routes out to Milton Keynes, one to Northampton and a back road to the north. Most usually goes down the MK routes and meets other traffic going to MK. Before all this if I wanted a clear run out to MK, to take my dad to the docs for example, I would have to be on the road well before 8.00. Any later and it was a clutch burning 20+ mins to do the half mile to the by pass until all the school traffic cleared. I trained him to not get appointments before 9:40 because I wasn't prepared to do that. Now it is possible just to drive out at pretty much any time, there's no real waiting that I have seen. However, my dad hasn't gone to any appointments since March. I just take him his shopping once a week and he's an early bird so will be up.
Nov 2020
10:46pm, 1 Nov 2020
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Traffic here has been pretty much back to pre-covid levels locally since summer. I travel a bit further for work and the motorways have been lighter, but town traffic either end has been *normal*
During the early lockdown in March/April we heard a lot more birdsong in our garden. Now back to rumbling most of the time.
Nov 2020
11:15pm, 1 Nov 2020
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How the USA administration addressed the nCovid-19 pandemic.

Warning: not the most unbiased treatment of the affair.
Nov 2020
12:00am, 2 Nov 2020
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run free
Echo what others have said - I'm hoping for less traffic so that families can take this opportunity to allow their children to cycle to school on nice days & reduce traffic even further
Nov 2020
6:09am, 2 Nov 2020
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I hope there'll be less traffic, but I doubt many kids will see their bikes getting used to get to school in large numbers - partly the time of year and partly because habits are difficult to get out of especially when the weather isn't great.
Nov 2020
7:02am, 2 Nov 2020
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i had to got to cambridge last week and the traffic on the route was as bad as i have ever seen it. however the motorway up the road is busy but doesn't get quite as bad as it used to for rush hours
Nov 2020
7:30am, 2 Nov 2020
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Traffic was pretty high last week, with holidaymakers coming down for half term.

I suspect things will quieten down but may depend on what exceptions get allowed - remember last time DIY stores were allowed to open and people were driving to them.
In terms of wildlife, November is very different to March so I doubt there will be as much activity.
I dont know if you are allowed to drive to exercise, to start a walk or run, but I will be doing all of this starting from home for now.
Nov 2020
7:38am, 2 Nov 2020
18,057 posts
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My parents took my aunt (who has a variety of health issues) to hospital and back for a minor op.

My aunt emerged from her house without a mask and when asked said she forgot it and didn’t often wear it anyway.

She then spent the whole journey complaining about people who don’t follow the rules !

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Maintained by sallykate
Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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