Coronavirus discussion thread

136 watchers
Oct 2020
6:12pm, 31 Oct 2020
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[M-N - first live show]
Oct 2020
6:12pm, 31 Oct 2020
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Agree with all the above (CStar, Tim, LG).

Absolutely it's not sustainable to destroy the economy and people's futures, or to lockdown forever. And there's little point delaying the inevitable for 4 weeks. However, what realistically is the alternative?

If the alternative were purely a case of "letting people die at home" then there would be a case to be made. A vaguely sociopathic case admittedly, but a case nonetheless. Yet that's not the alternative. The alternative is the "not actually going to die but too poorly to avoid hospital" causing hospitals to have no capacity. Already in one hospital in the Midlands last weekend we had to keep a patient on the back of the ambulance for 40mins waiting for space in the Covid zone (which is already as large as is feasible without closing this hospital, which is also a major trauma centre, to any non Covid patients). The crew in front had a 90min wait. And while we're waiting, we can't clean the ambulances or go to other calls.

I've said it before and stick by it - current measures aren't working. Masks aren't working and nor is partial lockdown. We've all had enough of it and want to move on. Yet noone knows how to tackle things. We've never had to before, and it's an unenviable task. I honestly can't think of any potential solution that's remotely feasible🙁
Oct 2020
6:12pm, 31 Oct 2020
8,946 posts
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What Rosehip said. And with proper track and trace. Not the serco omnishambles.
Oct 2020
6:15pm, 31 Oct 2020
49,505 posts
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Sod it. I went out for a walk in the cold and the wind to try to miss the announcement. Looks like I could have stayed on the sofa.
Oct 2020
6:17pm, 31 Oct 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
They said on the BBC that the announcement was originally supposed to happen on Monday but it was in the papers today so he had to bring the announcement forward. Could explain why they are under prepared for the briefing.
Oct 2020
6:20pm, 31 Oct 2020
3,591 posts
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They could have simply said ‘preparing 2 or 3 scenarios for discussion in parliament Monday’ and left it at that?
Oct 2020
6:22pm, 31 Oct 2020
781 posts
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Losing sympathy for a lot of the damaging the economy mantras but maybe that is because I was a one in ten (twice) grew up in what was one of Europe’s major fishing ports and then lived in areas that depended on docks, coal and steel.
Oct 2020
6:24pm, 31 Oct 2020
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‘Rules for a small village in Dorset’ ?

How about a small village in Wiltshire? Except we’d be overrun by all the people from (eg) Southampton, Portsmouth, Bournemouth etc. Better to recognise we really all are in it together. And all get to use, or not, the same hospitals.
Oct 2020
6:32pm, 31 Oct 2020
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Little Miss Happy
I agree it's a lose/lose situation but I have to prioritise lives over livelihoods - you don't need a job if you're dead - and as Turtlemama rightly says, it may not be Covid that kills you but the inability to access the care you need because of the capacity that Covid is using.
Oct 2020
6:33pm, 31 Oct 2020
2,930 posts
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Tim of Fife
Haven't noticed thousands of people from Edinburgh crossing the bridges since Central belt restrictions came in.

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Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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