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Coronavirus discussion thread

135 watchers
Oct 2020
9:28am, 7 Oct 2020
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Much the same for me, larkim. The reason I'd like to be able to visit my mother - she's not well and waiting for a surgical procedure that isn't risk free, and she's terrified - is the same reason I can't visit her.
Oct 2020
9:28am, 7 Oct 2020
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Simbil, I thought your graph was quite optimistic in that cases in the most vulnerable groups, 60+, are lower than they were in June and transmission is mainly happening in those for whom Covid won’t be a (personal) problem? Doesn’t this show that for this group anyway, the precautions are working to some extent?
Oct 2020
9:37am, 7 Oct 2020
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NR, I suspect it's more people making the difficult decision to stay away from older relatives when they know they've been in riskier situations. Just as I didn't see my grandparents after our Centerparcs holiday, and won't be seeing them for at least 10 days after my last face-to-face teaching session.

However, I suspect they're less bothered by the risk than I am, so probably feel aggrieved that we're all making these decisions on their behalf, but are too polite to say so.
Oct 2020
9:45am, 7 Oct 2020
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I'm perfectly happy with a 77yo married couple going out and trying to love a normal life at the moment as they can see they've only got a finite number of years left to do this.

I just don't want *my* 77yo parents to do it because I want them to have a high chance of still being here when we're more on to of this situation.

It's tough for their generation, bound to a certain extent by our selfishness either to try to protect them, or our selfishness by behaving in ways that put them at risk.
Oct 2020
9:49am, 7 Oct 2020
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If media backed the need for a fine we’d have a different people view, imho everyone attending should have been fined too they knew it was against the rules. Maybe £10k was too much and unlikely to be upheld something lesser that still would have hurt would have also been effective. But cries to get it squashed if successful sets a trend for future.

My parents refuse to have the T&T app - they read gutter press scaremongering. I worry if I tell my dad he is tracked everywhere he goes anyway he’d get rid of the phone. What to do they are active in society much more than me yet I worry. They are sensible but I worry more complacent than in the beginning. I can only hope they stay well.
Oct 2020
9:49am, 7 Oct 2020
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NR, the previous graph was quite old and illustrated the effect of the July reopening. The latest data has moved on and shows the effects of school reopening. In both cases the older age groups are doing better but are creeping up now.

Oct 2020
9:57am, 7 Oct 2020
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Little Miss Happy
I think that part of the reason cases aren’t rising as quickly in the older age groups is that the majority are still being cautious.

My social life is so limited but my desire to protect myself and my MiL is still (currently- I’m not sure how much longer I can continue to be so isolated) such that it’s the price I’m prepared to pay.
Oct 2020
10:00am, 7 Oct 2020
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my mum and in-laws are still not out and about
I think there is a lot who know they are genuinely vulnerable now having seen what happened before

plus we have unfortunately lost a lot of the old and vulnerable too :-(
Oct 2020
10:34am, 7 Oct 2020
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My parents aged 74 cancelled a planned trip down south last week so are being sensible. However they do still pop out to cafes etc and so are living life while hopefully not being silly.
Oct 2020
10:58am, 7 Oct 2020
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Wriggling Snake
Here's an idea of how things are going in universitys


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Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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