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Coronavirus discussion thread

135 watchers
Feb 2021
1:21pm, 2 Feb 2021
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I'm genuinely surprised that others don't see the reduction in unnecessary risk taking as being part of the obligation on us all through the lockdown as part of the overall burden reduction on the NHS, but it's interesting to hear others views to challenge my own. I see "protect the NHS" in terms beyond "don't catch covid", but if I'm out on a limb on that then I suppose I'm not making things worse!!

Love the covariants website, though I read it with zero real understanding!! Interesting that Uk and Denmark seem to be the only countries with consistently large volumes of sequenced data.
Feb 2021
1:33pm, 2 Feb 2021
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I am with you on the risk reduction Larks although given I have run on the ice I could be accused of being hypo to all when it suits me.
Feb 2021
1:33pm, 2 Feb 2021
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forest plodder
Larkim I think like you. If my local hospital is so hard pressed that it is having to transfer patients out, me rocking up with a broken ankle is just adding to the load.
Obviously, I might trip down the stairs, or on a local walk, but I will try to keep my risks as low as reasonably possible currently.
Feb 2021
1:34pm, 2 Feb 2021
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Little Miss Happy
I do agree that we should minimise unnecessary risk taking larkim I think it's just that one person's risk is another's mundane activity. We had people here saying that no one should be running on the trails - until it suited them to do so as they considered it less risky than running in the snow and the need to run outdoors more important than the need to reduce risk. It seems to be a very flexible thing in people's minds. I had my accident on a very mundane run 1.5 miles from home but I will resume running as soon as I'm able. People make unnecessary car journeys and therefore increase their risk of having an accident but they don't view it in those terms.
Feb 2021
1:37pm, 2 Feb 2021
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The radio adverts are really heavy, making you feel guilty for doing almost anything. So maybe you are right Larkim and the rest of us are wrong.

Southend traffic was crazy this morning, it's not much of a lockdown.
Feb 2021
1:42pm, 2 Feb 2021
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forest plodder
Agree with that too Cheg. I was very struck by it when we listened to a commercial radio station on t'interweb. Really strong language.
Feb 2021
1:44pm, 2 Feb 2021
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I see 'protect the NHS' as nothing more than a propagandist deflection by government to put the onus/blame on the general population rather than face up to criticism that the system is ill-prepared for peak demand. It's a quite clever tactic and has worked very well. The NHS is exactly for people falling down the stairs, the clue is kind of in the A&E name. Protect the NHS is a preposterous campaign. Personally I do my best everyday to stay out of hospital. I suspect I am more likely to end up in hospital after being hit by a car because I moved off the pavement to distance myself from other people than running in the hills just outside my locality.
Feb 2021
1:50pm, 2 Feb 2021
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Not sure I'd agree with that Fopp.

Agree the government is using too much "blame" on public for some failings to put in place restrictions, PPE etc. and other government actions.

But I think there have had to be simple messages and one is "let's all take as many precautions as we can to minimize chance of the NHS being swamped and there being insufficient medical services to meet demand".

Protect The NHS is a bit slicker though!

I tend to agree with larkim, in principle, that we should all be prepared to change our behaviour as much as possible at the moment, to get through this pandemic as quickly and reducing the load on NHS as much as possible. Those docs, nurses and other workers are absolutely maxed out just now. Go read Plodding Hippo's blog or many other medics.

We should all be doing everything we can to minimize that load.
Feb 2021
1:57pm, 2 Feb 2021
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Ok here is my list of banned activities for the short term

Mountain climbing outside of your locale
Tight rope walking
Sky Diving
Base Jumping

Hand Gliding
Heli-sking - Is that even a thing?
Feb 2021
1:59pm, 2 Feb 2021
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BK brighter days ahead
Larkim - with you. Problem with vague rules and undefined guidance is that it leaves things open for individuals to make up their own according to personal interpretation. Such as the accidental invitation I received to some random son's 'drive past' barmitzvah party which the organiser considered to be the same as all his friends driving to a McDonalds and pick up a take away in separate cars.

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Maintained by sallykate
Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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