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Coronavirus discussion thread

135 watchers
Feb 2021
4:21pm, 2 Feb 2021
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
You are entitled to Doc, I feel a bit miserable too, every activity of mine starts and finishes from my back door.
Feb 2021
4:21pm, 2 Feb 2021
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No problems with that.
There are those that consider a thing to be risky without understanding it.

We are starting to see sanctimonious finger pointing appearing again, along with a cult like worship of the NHS without really understanding what it is.

We love the NHS as a principle.
Some of it is amazing.

Some of it is awful.

It runs the gammut.

You can only ask people to modify their behaviour, if you are prepared to support them in that. 🤷
Feb 2021
4:22pm, 2 Feb 2021
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HG. What do you see being further restrictions? I don’t see many options on that front other than police and enforce what’s in place now.
Feb 2021
4:23pm, 2 Feb 2021
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mrs Jigs i mix it up by sometimes going out the front door and coming back in through the back door.
Feb 2021
4:24pm, 2 Feb 2021
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Sheesh, the space we typed and a dozen replies put everything out of context...
Feb 2021
4:34pm, 2 Feb 2021
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DocM and Plodding Hippo were the two docs I was thinking of whose blogs very emotively call out the pressures on people in the NHS settings. Huge thanks and many sympathies to all the NHS super stars. star
Feb 2021
4:38pm, 2 Feb 2021
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CoTH, risk assessment is complex, that is certain. But even the best experts in the world at assessing and minimising risks of hazardous activities can't reduce those risk levels down being equivalent (say) to walking up and down stairs. There is an inherent risk associated with some activities which is impossible to remove other than simply avoiding the risk.

You've added the "sanctimonious" rider to the finger pointing and I think that's unfair. Whilst many, many of us are reducing daily life risk activities it's only fair to ask of those whose hobbies and pleasures are more risk associated to reduce theirs too, or face criticism. Perhaps I am being holier than thou, but I currently wouldn't take my boys out mountain biking in the local trails and 4cross tracks because there's a risk of injury; temporarily we substitute a family walk instead. When the diktat to lockdown is removed I'll resume. But I make a temporary accommodation to limit my leisure and pleasure. Partly that is selfish (I don't want myself or my children visiting a hospital at the moment for fear of coming into contact with someone who could be visiting the same place to get covid treatment etc) but partly it is intended to be community spirited.

We each have to form our judgements, and if the affected climbers were posters on here and were able to explain that they had moderated their level of challenge and taken additional precautions that would not normally be needed, perhaps I could satisfy myself that their behaviour was similarly acceptable. I'm open to persuasion :-)
Feb 2021
4:45pm, 2 Feb 2021
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many of us are feeling fragile and vulnerable and need a sense of solidarity in seeing others making sacrifices too. Maybe thats selfish but that is what drives some of the desire to not see people taking what we perceive as unnecessary risks. IMHO
Feb 2021
4:46pm, 2 Feb 2021
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Bazo - re Scotland tightening or extending, it's extending restrictions (end of month min) and one simple new restriction is managed quarantine (hotels) for all inbound travelers coming direct into Scotland.

Larks - I think it's grey and you've used language about moderating risk so not sure how anyone can argue with that! I went skiing (literally walking a couple miles on snow with chatting with a pal - not exactly XXX) and running in snow - 9 miles, local to me, perfect weather conditions, with all my safety gear including 2 different types of running spike / crampons. To be honest, no greater risk that any jog around the local village (in my humble and subjective judgement)! :-) G
Feb 2021
4:51pm, 2 Feb 2021
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Apparently we cause offence because of what we do.

Yet, that comes with zero concept of what is going on behind the scenes. We will not elaborate further than we have.

But the judgement that only certain lives matter, and we are only concerned in saving the ones at risk from covid is offensive to us.

The NHS is not a single thing that is good or bad. Most certainly, not everyone that works for it is worthy of praise. Many are. But there are failures happening.

Not everyone will see what we are protecting in the same light. Especially, when aspects if that entity is not equally concerned with protecting everyone equally.

Judging the actions of others is coming from a position of privilege.

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Maintained by sallykate
Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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