Cats in Boxes

1 lurker | 100 watchers
Mar 2023
12:30pm, 31 Mar 2023
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Yeah... A lot of cats don't drink.
I found out about the: don't put water next to food thing because my friend's cat died of kidney failure due to hardly drinking all her life because she had her water bowl attached to her food bowl 😩😭
Mar 2023
12:31pm, 31 Mar 2023
101,469 posts
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I loved that cat 😭
Mar 2023
12:32pm, 31 Mar 2023
41,891 posts
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ours have separate bowls but have always had the bowls on the same mat
Mar 2023
12:34pm, 31 Mar 2023
101,472 posts
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Move them away!
Lasya's water is in the kitchen, her food several metres away in the living area.
Mar 2023
1:00pm, 31 Mar 2023
16,308 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
I don't understand why they cannot be close together. Is it because they fill up with food and forget to drink?

Our two also drink out the (intended for humans) water jug, various taps around the house and whatever manky stank they can find outside. And snow.
Mar 2023
1:02pm, 31 Mar 2023
13,474 posts
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Little Nemo
Hester prefers to drink green stagnant water from a plant pot outside! She will drink water from inside sometimes, might try moving her bowl further away from her food.
Mar 2023
1:06pm, 31 Mar 2023
41,896 posts
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we have 2 types of bowls

1 when we bought Ozzy the other when we bought Dio
no reason for it
but Ozzy does favour one type from the other for drinking but has been seen to use both in one sitting so not sure if it's the bowl or the water
I did see him have a quick stress free wee this morning so all good there and he is leaking less I think although sometime still a little pink. He is cleaning himself a lot and I think that could be slowing the heeling process perhaps?
Mar 2023
1:10pm, 31 Mar 2023
10,294 posts
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I don't understand why they cannot be close together. Is it because they fill up with food and forget to drink?

No, iirc it's supposed to be because 'in the wild' any standing water found next to food they haven't caught themselves (i.e. a dead animal) would be unsafe to drink.

Not that most of our pampered pusses have any direct experience of this, of course. It's allegedly a similar sort of survival instinct to liking high places and boxes.
Mar 2023
1:15pm, 31 Mar 2023
41,897 posts
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Amazon just delivered cat grass kit and extra split bowl for his expensive feeder so I can do half biccies half wet food

We thought the feeder was expensive when we bought it but it's over £200 now :-o
Mar 2023
1:32pm, 31 Mar 2023
1,989 posts
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Our three will drink from anything anywhere. Fresh water next to food, manky plant pot water, any standing water in the bath left after a shower, dripping tap, my glass of water that I put down two second ago, really anything!

Hope you find a solution Pixs

About This Thread

Maintained by Corrah
All the cat people out there know that cats love boxes, so go on then and lets see you feline friend. Boxes optional :) This is the cat appreciation thread along with Miaow, Purr, Yawn!

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