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Carbon plate rebound shoes ?

11 watchers
Jul 2022
4:36pm, 12 Jul 2022
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Fizz :-)
WW always refers to an overweight cyclist wearing top of the range sharkskin Lycra in discussions of this type. There’s other things I need to do before upgrading my shoes. #slightlyfat

(But, like Ness, I wouldn’t mind trying them :-) )
Jul 2022
5:10pm, 12 Jul 2022
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Whereas I decided soon after the VF4% was introduced that I could spend a great deal more than £200 on coaching or gadgets and neither of these would benefit my running as much as adopting the incoming shoe technology. Other runners' experience may differ.
Jul 2022
9:12pm, 12 Jul 2022
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Interesting post this, and I was chatting to a friend about this exact thing tonight.

I'm back to racing a bit after a 4-5 hiatus (long story, I got hit by a car). Despite feeling as fit as I ever have I'm probably 30-45 secs a mile slower than I was, but I still do 'ok' in terms of age group placing etc. I'd noticed I was one of a handful still wearing the old style race shoes (Fastwitch or DS Racer) so I bought some Asics Metaspeed. I really couldn't get on with them, so then bought some Adios Pro (the Adidas version of the Next%) I honestly don't feel I'm any quicker in them at all, and a bit like Jock they seem to hurt my achilles after a while.

I ran a marathon on Sunday and took 2 pairs of shoes with me - the Adios Pro and a pair of Saucony Triumphs with 800 miles logged in them. I walked to Race HQ in the Adios, got to the changing rooms and then swapped. Wore the Triumphs!

I get the whole platform thing but I just 'feel' quicker when my feet feel closer to the ground. I thought it was just me, but maybe not after reading some comments on here.
Jul 2022
9:28pm, 12 Jul 2022
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larkim and others

should we all be in control shoe , say Dunlop Green Flash ? I just picked a shoe I remember to be A used a PE and B - CRAP :¬)

Shoes from 1999 are vastly better than 1989, 2009 better than 1999

You get the drift

Shoes, socks, clothing they move on

I know the carbon shoes are a bigger jump than we have previously had but there has always been progress
Jul 2022
9:36pm, 12 Jul 2022
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I’ve stopped wearing mine as I am running like I am carrying a lead weight and so any benefit is not worth it

I did PB at half and full marathon in them however I also PBd at parkrun at the same time wearing normal shoes

I think for me the main benefit was in longer races and they seemed to protect the legs from the normal damage and you could maintain pace better
Jul 2022
9:43pm, 12 Jul 2022
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I think wearing anything that the first recorded runners didn't have available to them is mechanical doping.
Jul 2022
9:47pm, 12 Jul 2022
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barefoot - don't call it a come back ....
Jul 2022
10:19pm, 12 Jul 2022
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I'm getting my fitness back using 5K as a benchmark. Currently plateaued around 20:30 week to week. In the vaporfly I ran my same course in 19:44.

I compared that to a 5K race results I ran recently and the time difference would be roughly 149th to 116th - no medals but a quite a few heads.

I resent them a bit - they are the normal now. I've put mine back in the box until I feel like I stop making progress from the 8 hours or so a week I am putting in now. Using them when getting back to fitness would be a waste I think.
Jul 2022
10:24pm, 12 Jul 2022
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Gobi I'm not against the shoes, not at all actually. My only thing is that *for me* I want to see my own objective improvement (or lack of!) performance over time (as best as I can manage it).

So for me, and me only, I've no interest in a 19:30 "me" today in my Brooks Launch GTS being a 19:10 in a pair of vaporflys. I don't object in any way to being beaten in a race by someone who is wearing them, or their great time that they've achieved in those shoes. They're just not for me.

They're not cheating. They are a good thing. They are progress, in a positive way.

They just aren't for me.
Jul 2022
10:26pm, 12 Jul 2022
1,419 posts
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I’ve stopped wearing mine as I am running like I am carrying a lead weight and so any benefit is not worth it I did PB at half and full marathon in them however I also PBd at parkrun at the same time wearing normal shoes I think for me the main benefit was in longer races and they seemed to protect the legs from the normal damage and you could maintain pace better

One scientific review I read a while ago did say the longer the race the bigger the time benefit. From memory, I think it was something to do with muscle fatigue.

About This Thread

Maintained by Son of a Pronator Man
At a recent race I noticed that about 90% of runners towards the front of the race - the fastest 10%- were wearing some sort of carbon plated rebound shoe. If you’ve got a pair of these, have they improved your race times ? How much of an improvement? Or is it all marketing and hype ?
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