Benji was particularly cute in day 2, gazing soulfully out the window. Day 2 I found boring, too many planks (I already do lots of planks and push-ups in classes), so I did fast forward a few minutes. I think I’m used to my usual yoga classes where we do lots of hip and shoulder stuff lying down. I like lying down yoga
Know what you mean re planks Fleecy - I think I noted that I was all planked out yesterday after an upper body and core session that also included them.Mind you I prob don't do enough abs stuff cos it's mainly A) boring and B) hard.
Haven’t done day 2 yet, I can’t balance on my toes so no planks for me. I have tried the half plank on my knees but so painful on the knees! Will have some padding available when I do it this afternoon!
Sorry to hear that Tomsmum; hope you can find a way to adapt the practice? I just did day 3. Not too strenuous today. I'm still on holiday - it's going to be harder next week when I go back to work to keep the commitment going!
I'm actually quite enjoying all the plank moves (though I don't do them in any other training session so am never in danger of 'over-planking'!) - I think because it's helping me make a controlled move down to the mat or into downward dog, rather than just flinging myself into position. As well as making me feel like I'm building strength.
In January 2016 fraggle decided to follow Adriene (of Yoga with Adriene fame -only she wasn't 'quite' so famous back then). It was the start of Adriene's second 30 Days of Yoga and fraggle started a thread and asked anyone interested to join in. I did, I completed the 30 days and I got a PB fpr my 60 metres at the end of it so it was certainly not detrimental....
Fancy joining in with this year's 30 day programme - 'Home'?
Here's the link to Adriene's site, the link for 'Home' is right at the top
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