Are racing medals making a comeback?

1 lurker | 14 watchers
Mar 2015
7:46pm, 20 Mar 2015
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I do like a medal, but definitely those of the 'decent' sort - if it's a cheaper, lower-scale race, I'd rather have a good feed after, or another nice little memento, rather than a run of the mill tatty looking one
Mar 2015
8:14pm, 20 Mar 2015
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I remembermy first medal. September 2000 IIRC. The now defunct CCC or Capital City Challenge 10k. I was proud as punch, sat on the bus going home, reading about Cathy Freeman winning gold at Sydney, feeling like I was now an athlete.....

You have to go a long way to beat the Edinburgh marathon medal from a few years ago which had a major design flaw in that when turned around looked like something you wouldnt really want it to look like,
Mar 2015
10:27pm, 20 Mar 2015
4,344 posts
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Got a coaster for my last 10 Miler. WTF?!
Mar 2015
11:06pm, 20 Mar 2015
263 posts
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I like a medal and am a wee bit disappointed when you don't get one. T-shirts are ok but usually find they are too big.

I've kept all my race numbers too.

Can't say I'd be chuffed with a coaster either!
Mar 2015
11:08pm, 20 Mar 2015
179 posts
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Newbie to races. I've actually got two medals. If I ran in lots of races I probably wouldn't be bothered. My first medal was from a fun run it was my first formal race I'd never ran in anything except parkrun so having race number and timing chip novelty. I ran with my daughter who was 5 at the time. Rather we started running and alternated run walking but she kept going. Marshall's were fan with her and a guy doing the sweep on a bike carried our jackets! My other medal was from a 10k which was a massive deal as it was a tough one. Its pretty cool how can I add a pic?
Mar 2015
12:12am, 21 Mar 2015
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totalbeginner - add a pic to the Gallery, make sure it is public, and then you can post the pic in a thread or blog (but not a blog comment). There will be a string in a white box to the left of your picture a bit like this [ IMAGE 5988_74154 ] which will produce a picture like below:

Mar 2015
8:08am, 21 Mar 2015
184 posts
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Cheers Dvorak ;)
Mar 2015
1:30pm, 21 Mar 2015
19,487 posts
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I'm surprised nobody has posted these fabulous race medals.

Lovingly hand made by craftrocks :)
Mar 2015
6:10am, 22 Mar 2015
12,899 posts
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I, perhaps unsurprisingly, still like a decent race medal. I hardly ever have received a cheap plastic generic one - they have mostly been designed specifically for the event.
Feb 2017
1:39pm, 25 Feb 2017
11 posts
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Got to love a medal. So much better than a) just not, b) some appalling t shirt you'd never wear

About This Thread

Maintained by GimmeMincepies
When I started racing in 2010, most races gave a cotton tshirt to the finishers, especially 10ks. 10...

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