Medals, or cheaper entries?

16 watchers
Dec 2023
12:00pm, 4 Dec 2023
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
I should have said, not bothered about rewards for anything less than marathon distance.
Dec 2023
12:34pm, 4 Dec 2023
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Runners like spending money !!

Shoes, Garmins, strava etc they want medal pics for Instagram etc …. I would suggest the Fetch community are more east going in that respect.

Groups called Medal Madness on Facebook & #medalmonday show the desire for them from most people.
Dec 2023
1:04pm, 4 Dec 2023
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Papa Whiskey
I organise a race as part of a series and we've had the discussion of mementos or not. We concluded that the runners want something, plus it's somewhere to put sponsors logos - one club had their main sponsor withdraw due to the lack of exposure.
New runners love medals. Experienced runners tend to put them in a box, never to be seen again.
I decided that I wanted to give out something useful instead. I found that I could get mugs custom printed cheaper than decent bespoke medals, plus delivered a lot quicker. Sponsors logo one side, our club logo and event name the other. Put water in them before handing out and it saves a load of disposable cups as well! As a bonus, I gave the leftovers to our sponsor so I don't have to store them ;-)
This year I went for pint glasses - slightly more expensive, but not much in it.

I've had a lot of positive feedback, plus seen people using them. But I can also see that it wouldn't work if every race did the same, so I like to do something different.
Dec 2023
1:06pm, 4 Dec 2023
80,784 posts
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I got an Ash Tray as a prize at a race a long time ago.

Useful to someone but not a runner
Dec 2023
1:09pm, 4 Dec 2023
2,922 posts
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Sounds like a decent compromise Papa Whiskey.

Perhaps offering a glass or a mug at a water station half-way round will sort out those who really care for such things - they have to carry them to the finish..! ;-)
Dec 2023
1:12pm, 4 Dec 2023
36,716 posts
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Lol... Mr Ness ran a couple of marathons before we met. He ran the Sheffield marathon in 1982. The memento they gave out looked like an ash tray.....


As far as I know, his brother still has it and, until recently, when they switched to vaping, it was still being used as an ash tray!

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About This Thread

Maintained by DeeGee
I've just about recovered from a fantastic weekend organising an event.

Before the pandemic, people were keen to sign up early, by the summer I had plenty of funds in the event account and I could buy medals with impunity.

Since the pandemic, entries appear to come in a lot later. I was listening to one of the guys running this weekend and he was boasting of how he only ever enters events the week before so he gets to keep the money in his account rather than the race organisers.


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